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ADA rack amp

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  • ADA rack amp

    Stopped in my local pawn shop today and bought an rack mount ADA Micro tube 100 power amp.
    Is there a web site for info on these? I would like to know more about it and just how it to hook it up properly.
    I have been picking up rack pieces here and there and have some nice Rocktron stuff and now I will put it to use.
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.

  • #2 is your best bet. Of course ADA went under years ago so there is no official support but that site is a great user resource for schematics as well as shops that will work on ADA products.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #3
      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


      • #4
        Adadepot is definitely a great resource, and a great bunch of guys to jam with. I've been there about a year now, though I haven't spent time on the actual discussion boards, just the Jams.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #5
          I have one in my rack powering everything and have no troubles or problems.
          I hope I don't anywhere soon, but if I every have trouble with it, because I've taken a strong liking to it.
          I'll pay the cost in shipping to have it serviced by a shop that still works on ada gear.
          Yes, adadepot is a very good place.
          Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

          "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

          I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

          Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


          • #6
            I had one - it would sometimes go into "Stand By" mode and stay there for hours. Make sure you have the option to return it if that happens. I knew 3 other guys that used these, and 1 of them had the same problem.

            Hooking it up is simple - 2 in's, and 2 out's.


            • #7
              Pawn shops don't usually take returns....
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #8
                I have a 30 day return option.This pawn shop is good about it.
                Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                  Pawn shops don't usually take returns....
                  Aware of that... Just sayin'. When 50% of the poweramps had problems (we all had the same model), you might want to "proceed with caution". If they won't back it up, don't buy it. Doesn't matter who they are.


                  • #10
                    That seems to be a "known issue" with the MicroTube series. I was all set to buy one, but I needed reliability for gigging. It's not really a tube power amp in the traditional sense anyway. A Mesa 20/20 is quite a bit more expensive, and I don't know what else out has tubes and fits in a single space.


                    • #11
                      Well got to give a run for about 2hrs with some different rocktron units and all is fine.
                      Tried a rocktron GAP-1 and it smokes. A little fizzie at first but got it tweaked and sounds pretty 80s.
                      Next a rocktron MAXe and WOW bone crushing overdrive and grit very Anthrax type tone.
                      All in all the ADA micro tube 100 is pretty good.Cant wait to grab a decent DSP pre amp.
                      BTW joined the ada depot forum and its a wealth of info thanks Lerxs.
                      Last edited by straycat; 12-03-2007, 10:28 PM.
                      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by chrisolson View Post
                        Aware of that... Just sayin'. When 50% of the poweramps had problems (we all had the same model), you might want to "proceed with caution". If they won't back it up, don't buy it. Doesn't matter who they are.
                        Well, the company is long defunct, but people buy ADA products knowing that, and like them enough to have organized user resources to deal with problems.

                        I'm sure the problem has a fix, and since no one's buying them new I'd guess they'll expect to have to fix them at some point. There's a site that leads to techs who work on this stuff, so it seems that, like other amps that come with issues, it would be a solvable problem.

                        But if you know of a power amp that has no issues, never breaks down and is as cheap as these ADA power amps are used, please inform us all!
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #13
                          If you like 80's tone hook up an MP-1 to it!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                            Well, the company is long defunct, but people buy ADA products knowing that, and like them enough to have organized user resources to deal with problems.

                            I'm sure the problem has a fix, and since no one's buying them new I'd guess they'll expect to have to fix them at some point. There's a site that leads to techs who work on this stuff, so it seems that, like other amps that come with issues, it would be a solvable problem.

                            But if you know of a power amp that has no issues, never breaks down and is as cheap as these ADA power amps are used, please inform us all!
                            Again, I think you missed the part about 50% HAD PROBLEMS but if you're a gambler, by all means, go after it. I'm not trying to start a pissing match. I'm just warning someone about KNOWN RELIABILITY ISSUES. there should be no one here who should have a problem with that... Yes, poweramps have issues, but I have yet to come acroos one where I know of 4 friends that have them and 2 are having the same problem at the same time.


                            • #15
                              Point well taken chris and its good to know they had these problems so I know what to look for if it goes down.
                              I have 2 amp guys that know ADA stuff quite well so if she blows I can get it fixed.
                              Really? well screw Mark Twain.

