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Boss gt-8 stinks like ass

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  • Boss gt-8 stinks like ass

    I just bought a Boss GT-8 today and was all excited because I have heard alot of good things about them sold my POD XT live for it.Well neddless to say i spent all day trying to get a good distortion tone out if this thing to no avail.should have stayed with line 6.This thing is just aweful formetal.great clean tones.what do you guys thin of these GT-8s

  • #2
    Well, it needs to be setup right. There are a LOT of settings that if you dont get right the first time, everything following it will be messed up. Also, dont ever use a preset and try to create your tone out of it. It does not work that way like it does with line6 products. and lastly, there is a document written for the gt-8 challenged



    • #3
      I have a gt-pro which is basically the gt8 in rack form. I sounded great out of the box and with minimal tweaking gave me some good recording tones. What are you running it through? Also check the universal settings, especially the output type!
      I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


      • #4
        I really liked the fact, that you could mix amps and so get a recording with two amps at once, with on being slightly of, so that you get now trouble. But in the end there where just so many buttons and so many options, that I sold it again pretty fast.
        "Don't mess with the Pudel of Death!"


        • #5
          The impression I get from reading here is that it is often used in the loop of an amp for effects.


          • #6
            The GT8 is brilliant. I just takes time to get to know the machine and to find the settings you like.
            "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


            • #7
              Well, if it´s anything like the GT6 it can take alot of tweaking to get it sounding right... my other guitarist spent a few weeks dialing his in properly... but there´s some pretty good tone in there, rest assured.


              • #8
                GT-8s are awesome, and have tone flexibility up the wazoo. Although I mainly rely on my JSX for this now, I still get plenty of killer distorted tones out of my GT-8.

                Like almost any product, though, if you're used to a different manufacturer's alternative gear, it's going to sound different to you. And, like DonP mentioned above, the GT-8 can be set-up different ways in your rig and it'll affect the tone. For a tube head, it'll generally work best in the effects loop. Try it different ways - and try it with the different "input" settings - and you'll see some signficant differences in tone.


                • #9
                  Never had a problem getting a good sound out of my GT-8. There's so much modeling, speaker combo and microphone emulators, sub EQ sections in that thing, it's crazy!
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    I just need to play woth it more I guess.Im going to dig imto it tonight a little some better tones out of it later last night.


                    • #11
                      Do you have a midi-USB cable? I could send you a couple of patches that you can test out. I could also find out what people think about my patches.


                      • #12
                        No I bought one on ebay but it isnt here yet.Ill PM you when it comes.Thanks for the patches


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BODOM View Post
                          I just bought a Boss GT-8 today and was all excited because I have heard alot of good things about them sold my POD XT live for it.Well neddless to say i spent all day trying to get a good distortion tone out if this thing to no avail.should have stayed with line 6.This thing is just aweful formetal.great clean tones.what do you guys thin of these GT-8s

                          The GT-8 is pretty much at the top of the modeling food chain. I give it a 10 out of 10. Pro's use it, studio's use it. Its a fantastic piece of equipment. It is outstanding for metal.
                          You need to know how to use it. Obviously... you don't have it hooked up correctly. Step back.. take a deep breath... and join the Boss GT Forum.


                          • #14
                            I couldn't agree with you more. Robert (Robertburns) once told me that once every two months or so, you will discover something new with the gt-8 that you never knew. He was so right. I always thought that a gt-pro is the way to go since I wanted to hook up a drum machine to the gt-8 and because it lacked an aux in, I was unable to. But, I never knew that you could use the fx-return and choose direct mix and use it as an aux in! Brilliant! The gt-8 has everything anyone could ask for. I guess Boss's bad user manual and its complexity had deterred many potential users.

                            Boss's bad user manuals dont stop with only the gt-8. I bought a Micro BR and the bad manual is the same. The manual does not even mention how to work the looping function of the mp3 trainer!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DonP View Post
                              The impression I get from reading here is that it is often used in the loop of an amp for effects.

                              Me too.

                              I'm more interested in using it for amp modelling but the clips I've been able to find on bossgtcentral and googeling so far aren't very good (especially metal and heavy distortion sounds).

                              If anyone has some I'd love to hear them.

