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which marshall to get?

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  • which marshall to get?

    so i'm a semi new guitarist, and i'm looking to buy a new amp. i know the MG series isn't as good as some of the more expensive models, but i want to get a marshall and i'm on kind of a tight budget. anyways i was looking at the MG50DFX Combo Amp and the MG15MSII Micro Stack.
    can anyone give me their opinion on which is better, the pros/cons of each? are the extra digital effects and the footswitch on the mg50 really that important? im really just looking for tone, i mean power is important, but i probably won't be playing any shows anytime soon, it's pretty much just for use at home, maybe playing with some friends...
    thanks alot.

  • #2
    Originally posted by redluke22 View Post
    so i'm a semi new guitarist, and i'm looking to buy a new amp. i know the MG series isn't as good as some of the more expensive models, but i want to get a marshall and i'm on kind of a tight budget. anyways i was looking at the MG50DFX Combo Amp and the MG15MSII Micro Stack.
    can anyone give me their opinion on which is better, the pros/cons of each? are the extra digital effects and the footswitch on the mg50 really that important? im really just looking for tone, i mean power is important, but i probably won't be playing any shows anytime soon, it's pretty much just for use at home, maybe playing with some friends...
    thanks alot.
    IMO stay away from both, go with a VOX. I have this one myself and I think it would be perfect for you.

    It has a built in attenuator so you can go from 0.1w to 30w of juice with the turn of a knob, on the fly. The amp models and effects are top-notch, especially for the price of the amp.

    EDIT: If you've got the extra cash to spend then there's also a 50w version for about the same price as the MG50DFX.
    EDIT2: If you're dead set on a marshall then go with something like this (LINK) Anything but a MG.

    Last edited by UFORocks; 12-09-2007, 09:14 AM.
    '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
    '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
    '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
    VOX AD30VT


    • #3
      Go with what you can afford. You can get a better Marshall used. Bottom line is... if you want a Marshall, get a Marshall. The VS100 Valvestate used is a great choice for an entry level Marshall that will be good enough to do live shows with. Even pros who could afford anything play them.
      I have played several MG combo's and personally.. I think they all sound like Marshalls.


      • #4
        The last time I plugged into a MG at GC...none of the knobs had any effect, but maybe barely turning the volume glad i didnt buy when I was looking for a new amp 2 years ago


        • #5
          The best Marshall sound I've found is the Orange AD30. A bit spendy tho.


          • #6
            We had a 1 x 12 MG combo in the rehearsal studio and I thought it sounded just like a Marshall. In fact.. it was a Marshall.
            I have never heard a Marshall amp... SS or tube that didn't sound like a Marshall.
            Its not all about the money too.. I have a JCM900 #4500 head that kills and I should be a pretty good judge of Marshall amps considering I have owned just about every model.


            • #7
              Yeah, if you want to go SS get a first serie Marshall Valvestate


              • #8
                Something that has Cameron mod


                • #9
                  Definitely try to find a used VS series if you can, not the MG or AVT.
                  Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


                  • #10
                    +1 I really liked my VS100 Combo when I had it. Great amp, except that mine developed a hum that no one could figure out so I ended up selling it, cheap.

                    '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
                    '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
                    '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
                    VOX AD30VT


                    • #11
                      I have an AVT20 and I love it. I know how you feel wanting a Marshall - people telling you to buy an Orange or Vox just don't get it! You COULD buy one of those, but you'd still want a Marshall just because it's Marshall.

                      I've also read the MG series are crap, and apparently the AVT range aren't so good either according to some. But I absoloutely love mine and for a home amp you couldn't ask for better tone.
                      It's also incredibly loud - I've never had the thing over a quarter volume.



                      • #12
                        Actually, the SS Marshalls aren't bad at all unless you plan on gigging with them. I was picking through the shelves of NOS tubes at my amp guy's shop and this dude brought in a Valvestate that had blown up. It was a relatively easy fix but my amp guy showed me the component that failed and it had actually come all apart. He said all the Solid State Marshall amps he sees fail the same way, and it has to do with the fact that you just can't play the thing really loud like you can a Tube amp because the power section just won't take the abuse. I don't know enough about SS amp architecture to tell you exactly what was the issue.


                        • #13
                          I had a MG100DFX and I practically gave it away. Biggest piece of Shiat that I have ever owned. I would not pay a dime for any of the MG series. I also had a valvetronix 30 watt. Some people love them, I just didnt care for the tone. The new XL series are supposed to be good, but now that I have a vetta my needs are met for the time being. Save you money just a bit longer and buy something you can use.
                          Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


                          • #14
                            Try to find a JCM600 combo. They're usually really cheap and overlooked. They're all-tube. Very nice!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by madryan View Post
                              Actually, the SS Marshalls aren't bad at all unless you plan on gigging with them. I was picking through the shelves of NOS tubes at my amp guy's shop and this dude brought in a Valvestate that had blown up. It was a relatively easy fix but my amp guy showed me the component that failed and it had actually come all apart. He said all the Solid State Marshall amps he sees fail the same way, and it has to do with the fact that you just can't play the thing really loud like you can a Tube amp because the power section just won't take the abuse. I don't know enough about SS amp architecture to tell you exactly what was the issue.
                              If you get an original first series Valvestate (anything in the 8100 or 8200 series), you won't have a problem. I've still got my 8240 stereo chorus 2x12 combo, bought new around '92 when they came out, and it's still going strong. I've had that baby cranked plenty of times. Now it mainly gets used for low-volume living room playing, but it still sounds and works great when I crank it up once in awhile.
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

