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The Ultimate ~$1.000 bedroom setup?

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  • #16
    Listen... used Peavey stereo SS rack power amp..$250 tops
    GT-8..( heck, used ones should be around $275 soon!
    2 2/12" Genz Benz or equivalent cabs... $500
    Rip as needed!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
      Listen... used Peavey stereo SS rack power amp..$250 tops
      GT-8..( heck, used ones should be around $275 soon!
      2 2/12" Genz Benz or equivalent cabs... $500
      Rip as needed!!
      Or an Alesis RA-100 stereo reference poweramp -- $99. Dead quet, and VERY loud. I used one with my POD and fed into a Mesa 4x12 - pure goodness on the cheap!!


      • #18
        For bedroom level setups, the world is your oyster. A LOT of setups, cost aside, will sound very similar at those lower output levels. Don't get too all caught up on more well known brand names unless you have past and pleasurable experiences with them. And for a grand, you can grab whichever you feel confident with. Here's a few suggestions............

        On the cheap: Behringer V-Amp Pro, Crate Power Block, either two 1x12's or one 2x12 wired for both mono and stereo.

        A Valve Rig: Blues Jr or Blackheart (to mod), couple of pedals (boost, dist, etc., and the cab options mentioned above.

        What I Have: Well, I have more and even more options but I'm trying to work those options into your needs and budget mark. ZOOM G9.2tt multi effects (it has 2 preamp tubes in it), Carvin SS power amp (pick from their DCM line), and the cab options mentioned above. This setup should leave you some change left over for incidentals and upgrades later on. Plus it will sound as good and/or better than rigs costing many times more.

        If you choose a multi effects floor jobbie, keep in mind the overall consensus...... GT-8 for playing live, POD versions for recording, ZOOM is right in the middle overall (my experience), except I prefer the ZOOM live over the GT-8 ::::opinion so take w/a grain of salt as i have not had extensive time w/the gt-8 like others here have:::: I did chose the ZOOM G9.2tt over the others because I wanted real tube warmth for a SS rig when I used one, something Boss and POD do/did not offer. It does make a huge difference (to me) for convincing tube sound.

        Hope This Help some & Have Fun Putting Your Rig Together. That's like being a kid in a candy store
        Last edited by T@rgetDrone; 01-31-2008, 12:56 PM. Reason: 'Cause I can't type for sheeite
        In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.


        • #19
          I think any of the above is simply overkill for a bedroom setup, where even 3W would be too loud.... Get a Micro Cube and you're good to go.


          • #20
            Last edited by quiksilver; 03-22-2008, 02:33 PM.


            • #21
              Why not just find a used vetta combo and upgrade it to a vetta 2. Then you have both all in one... You will have hundreds left over too.

              Or even the spider or something along those lines. I think the Roland is cool too as JG already said.

              If it is going to be your bedroom oly rig then you don't need to spend more than $200.00 to get something decent. The vetta would/could act as both because they sound good low or cranked... My pinion of course...
              Last edited by Firebird V; 02-08-2008, 03:28 PM.


              • #22
                Hmmm... is this bedroom in an apartment or a house? How loud are you going to play? ever going to jam with other musicians in this bedroom? I have a bedroom that is dedicated to guitars and a computer desk and it gets pretty loud in here sometimes.
                Last edited by phill_up; 02-08-2008, 11:19 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
                  I hate to admit it, but despite my recommendation, my recent experience supports CharvelRocker's statement, and the general reputation for unreliability of Valvetronix amps.

                  I loved the sound and ease of use of the original, "blue" Valvetronix amps, but I had read a lot about problems with cutting out and losing volume, which was reported to be arising from poor quality jacks and issues with solder ("cold solder joints," IIRC).

                  I had also read that this was only a problem with the first ones, so I found a more recent one (after Vox switched to plywood for the enclosure, "NeoDog" speakers, etc.). I bought it and it sounded FANTASTIC (imo, of course). Unfortunately, it didn't last long. First, it started cutting out at the jack. I fixed that with contact cleaner (as recommended in the posts I had read about this problem). Then, it started dropping in volume. Finally, it stopped putting out any sound at all. The power amp section must still work, since I can plug my Pod XTL into the effects returns, and that works fine. I brought it to my local music store, but they said they can't fix it, and they are now getting an estimate from Vox.

                  The bottom line is, my Vox sounded KILLER while it lasted, but it didn't last long.
                  Doesn´t sound good if there are indeed quality issues.. Checked with the Valvetronix forum, and according to them, it seems to be fixed although there were issues on the early models, so I am still considering it given the incredible value vs. money this amp seems to have.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Firebird V View Post
                    Why not just find a used vetta combo and upgrade it to a vetta 2.
                    I live in Sweden and there are simply hardly any used Vettas around here unfortunately. Otherwise that would have been an option for me.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by phill_up View Post
                      Hmmm... is this bedroom in an apartment or a house? How loud are you going to play? ever going to jam with other musicians in this bedroom?
                      Primarly bedroom in apartment, but with the AD100VTH of 100 watts ready to run at 1w in the bedroom and easy to carry and run at 100w in the studio, I am kind of attracted by getting an amp not only possible to use in the apartment.

                      If the musicians are females and good looking, I don´t suggest jamming if I manage to get them into the bedroom.


                      • #26
                        I keep forgetting this room I am in now is not really a bedroom... Because there isn't a bed! You mean a REAL BEDROOM, one that has a bed in it. my bad... I'll shut up now. LOL

