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How do EMG's go with a vetta?

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  • How do EMG's go with a vetta?

    hey al, im getting a vetta, and my charvel has EMG 81 and 2 SA's.

    Who plays a vetta and how do emg's go with the vetta opposed to passives?

    thanks for any advice


  • #2
    I have EMG's but not a Vetta. Pickups are just a part of your sound ,if you work with it you can get what ever you need just give it time. Use the EQ on your amp and the volume control on your guitar you'll be surprized.


    • #3
      They work just fine. The other guitarist in my band uses my Vetta to record with and he has a Schecter Hellraiser with EMG's. The 5150 model actually does a pretty close rep of his actual rig. Couple that with the stereo fullness with 2 amps at once, and the doubler and he is in tonal bliss.


      • #4
        I never got into EMG's with my soldano, or even the Marshalls I used to play, but it is such a personal preference. Whatever amp, whatever guitar,,,,,whatever pickups,,,,whatever anyone says, you won't know until you personally evaluate the situation. Wait until your amp arrives before making any moves on pickup preference.


        • #5
          I don't have a Vetta but use a PODxt a lot. Since it's processing is basically the same I'd think it would be simalar to a using a vetta. I have no problem with it and my EMG's and Blackouts. You should be fine. Karl


          • #6
            congrats you'll love the Vetta.
            it's a remarkable amp in a lot of ways.
            the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


            • #7
              How much is the Vetta Matt? Which cab are you going to be using it with?


              • #8
                Well, second hand i got the Vetta head (1st gen with updated 2.5 firmware) and longboard for $1600!! :O

                Using an Epiphone 4x12, its a red one, triggerman i think. Now for $250 second hand, this is the best cab ever! I used it with my Laney LC-30II and it was amazing. Plus can run stereo and mono, so the vetta will get the stereo treatment!

                All up very excited and awaiting delivery with bated breath.

                Will add clips when i get it!


                • #9
                  Wow, that's a great price, and should be a killer rig. I bet you can't wait to get it all....


                  • #10
                    Sure cant wait! Its been a dream to get one for a while as im a tweaker at heart, and ive never had the $$ for heaps of FX so it'll be good to make the sounds from my head get into the air!


                    • #11
                      EMGs into a Vetta is like running Ramen noodles through a food processor and hoping for gourmet Italian food.
                      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                      - Newc


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                        EMGs into a Vetta is like running Ramen noodles through a food processor and hoping for gourmet Italian food.
                        Could not have said that any better. That being sid my brother loved the EMG's with the Vetta but he is not a tube amp kinda player. Not that he hasn't had a few great tube amps before but he loves the L6 stuff and EMG's in everything so....

                        I personally am not a huge fan of EMG's but i do own a few guitars with them. i own a Vetta Combo and i do not use any guitars with EMG's in them with it because it is way to sterile sounding for my tastes.
                        Last edited by Firebird V; 02-15-2008, 09:05 AM.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, EMGs will work with any amp. They just have more attack than most pickups. Small tweaking can round it out on any amp.


                          • #14
                            Just got the amp today, played it at home, great sounds, good cleans, good gain.

                            Gets good as you wind it up and it starts pushing air

                            Havent mucked around with it too much, but so far im happy, although the JCM 800 didnt sound as good as i thought it might. Still searching for a good crunch sound without too much gain. I love tweaking but!

