ok, this is going to be somewhat longish....forgive me 
lazy people just skip to the bottom....

as of right now, i own a framus cobra (main gigging amp), peavey 5150, marshall jcm800 2210, and a line6 hd147....first things first, the 5150 is gonna stay no matter what
i originally wanted to sell the marshall and the line 6 for quite some time now, but *strangely* it hasn't happened as of right now...wonder why
the line 6 is nice for bedroom jamming, and sounds very good for that. i also LOVE the built in fx...would be my be all end all live amp, if it held up against my other guitar players powerball...unfortunately, it doesn't. gotta crank it way up which isn't a good thing when playing a solid state amp...it's losing its sound and get's rather unpleasant at those volumes.
the marshall however...see below.
ok, having that said, i think the framus might have to go. why? volume. seems like my other guitar player *finally* learned to tweak his powerball right, and boy, it shows. his sound is CRUSHING. super heavy, super loud, super articulate, super cutting. i used to be the first to bash engl amps in general, but what i've been hearing for the last couple of gigs and rehearsals is just killer.
to make a long story short, the framus doesn't hold a candle against that wall of sound. the thing is, there's two modes on the framus...notch, and un-notched. the un-notched sound is *very* midrangey, almost honkey, but there's still a good amount of treble and bass when playing alone, so it actually sounds pretty good despite of the overwhelming mids. unfortunately, all the treble and bass gets swallowed up by the powerball, leaving me with just the honky midrange...cutting? yes. does it sound good in the mix? hell no! the notched setting however sounds pretty good...it's basically a drastic mid scoop, making it *somewhat* comparable to a rectifier. while the mix of the PB and the notched cobra sounds pretty good, there's just not enough volume available. my dude has his PB master on 10 o'clock, MAX, whereas i have the channel volumes DIMED and the master way past NOON to get anywhere near the same volume. basically, we're talking full volume here. yet i'm still barely heared...and it's not the settings, as i'm running a rather midrangey sound despite of the scooped mode.
that, and some footswitch problems i've been experiencing lately make me wonder about a different amp.
i'm gonna try the marshall at next rehearsal, but i'm unsure....yes, it cuts through like mad, yes, it's heavy enough (used to play thrash metal with that head, now it's more like modern melodic metal), but i think i'll be experiencing problems with getting my leads heared as there is no volume boost available, as well as getting the clean sounds loud enough...i need a decent, loud, clean channel - which is the very reason why i'm not using the 5150 as my main amp
alright, having that said....those are the amps i'm currently interested in:
-peavey jsx: decent clean, ripping ultra channel for rhythms, apparently there's a mid spike which should make it cut through nicely. i'd have to run the crunch channel with a boost for leads though, and i don't know if there'll be enough gain for that...enough gain=marshall 2210 gain dimed with a slight boost. i could deal with mere 2210 levels w/o the boost but that's really the very least.
-krank revolution: don't laugh...i've been hearing countless clips as well as youtube videos, and judging by that i'd love this head...kinda like a scooped version of my 2210 with more balls. also love the 2 master volumes. gotta try one soon...
-engl...now it's getting interesting
i'm mainly looking at the savage and invader models here. the invader is a bit too expensive actually, but my other guitar player keeps on raving about it, so...as for the savage, well, got to try one...might be a tad too midrangey for me. moreover, i don't need so many features...maybe i should give the blackmore a second chance?
-mesa single rectifier/rect-o-verb. affordable, for a mesa...i've never owned a rectifier, but still got the urge to do so at one point in my life
i wonder if it could hang with the powerball? as for the features, it's perfect. 2 channels, footswitchable volume boost...i'd probably use an OD boost for leads, too.
-marshall 6100...seems like this one takes the 2210 sound but adds a decent clean channel and a dedicated lead channel - the things i'm worried about regarding the 2210. not too expensive either, but i've heared some bad things regarding reliability
-marshall tsl....used a dsl100 for about 20 shows back in 2005, but back then i didn't worry about clean or lead sounds. i DID however like the rhyhtm sound, although that's a long time ago really. the other guitar player in my old band is still using the TSL, and i doesn't sound too bad, really. very nice features, too. plus it's fairly cheap and easy to buy/sell over here...i might try this one just for shits and giggles, and see if it keeps up with the powerball.
yes, that's a lot of stuff i'm considering right now...i'm going to check out at least the krank and the jsx next week or so.
as for the pricing, the savage, rectifier, blackmore, tsl, and the 6100 i could afford by just selling the cobra (actually i guess i could get TWO 6100 for my cobra lol). jsx is quite rare used, but should be in the same pricerange. the krank and invader are more expensive...both around 1500 euro. i might have to sell two amps, cobra plus the line6 or the marshall, in order to get one of these. the problem is the lack of availabilty on ebay and the likes...i'd have to buy a new one, which also means that i'd loose quite a lot of money if i sold it just a few months later....
so, well, sorry for the novel
here's the short short version: cobra doesn't cut it anymore, need a new amp. problem is a lack of volume in the scooped setting or a bad mix (all mids, no highs/lows) in the regular setting.
new amp needs a decent clean channel, either two master volumes or three dedicated gain channels for rhythm/lead. style of music is modern melodic metal (i think).
any sort of input will be greatly appreciated
thanks in advance

lazy people just skip to the bottom....

as of right now, i own a framus cobra (main gigging amp), peavey 5150, marshall jcm800 2210, and a line6 hd147....first things first, the 5150 is gonna stay no matter what

the marshall however...see below.
ok, having that said, i think the framus might have to go. why? volume. seems like my other guitar player *finally* learned to tweak his powerball right, and boy, it shows. his sound is CRUSHING. super heavy, super loud, super articulate, super cutting. i used to be the first to bash engl amps in general, but what i've been hearing for the last couple of gigs and rehearsals is just killer.
to make a long story short, the framus doesn't hold a candle against that wall of sound. the thing is, there's two modes on the framus...notch, and un-notched. the un-notched sound is *very* midrangey, almost honkey, but there's still a good amount of treble and bass when playing alone, so it actually sounds pretty good despite of the overwhelming mids. unfortunately, all the treble and bass gets swallowed up by the powerball, leaving me with just the honky midrange...cutting? yes. does it sound good in the mix? hell no! the notched setting however sounds pretty good...it's basically a drastic mid scoop, making it *somewhat* comparable to a rectifier. while the mix of the PB and the notched cobra sounds pretty good, there's just not enough volume available. my dude has his PB master on 10 o'clock, MAX, whereas i have the channel volumes DIMED and the master way past NOON to get anywhere near the same volume. basically, we're talking full volume here. yet i'm still barely heared...and it's not the settings, as i'm running a rather midrangey sound despite of the scooped mode.
that, and some footswitch problems i've been experiencing lately make me wonder about a different amp.
i'm gonna try the marshall at next rehearsal, but i'm unsure....yes, it cuts through like mad, yes, it's heavy enough (used to play thrash metal with that head, now it's more like modern melodic metal), but i think i'll be experiencing problems with getting my leads heared as there is no volume boost available, as well as getting the clean sounds loud enough...i need a decent, loud, clean channel - which is the very reason why i'm not using the 5150 as my main amp

alright, having that said....those are the amps i'm currently interested in:
-peavey jsx: decent clean, ripping ultra channel for rhythms, apparently there's a mid spike which should make it cut through nicely. i'd have to run the crunch channel with a boost for leads though, and i don't know if there'll be enough gain for that...enough gain=marshall 2210 gain dimed with a slight boost. i could deal with mere 2210 levels w/o the boost but that's really the very least.
-krank revolution: don't laugh...i've been hearing countless clips as well as youtube videos, and judging by that i'd love this head...kinda like a scooped version of my 2210 with more balls. also love the 2 master volumes. gotta try one soon...
-engl...now it's getting interesting

-mesa single rectifier/rect-o-verb. affordable, for a mesa...i've never owned a rectifier, but still got the urge to do so at one point in my life

-marshall 6100...seems like this one takes the 2210 sound but adds a decent clean channel and a dedicated lead channel - the things i'm worried about regarding the 2210. not too expensive either, but i've heared some bad things regarding reliability

-marshall tsl....used a dsl100 for about 20 shows back in 2005, but back then i didn't worry about clean or lead sounds. i DID however like the rhyhtm sound, although that's a long time ago really. the other guitar player in my old band is still using the TSL, and i doesn't sound too bad, really. very nice features, too. plus it's fairly cheap and easy to buy/sell over here...i might try this one just for shits and giggles, and see if it keeps up with the powerball.
yes, that's a lot of stuff i'm considering right now...i'm going to check out at least the krank and the jsx next week or so.
as for the pricing, the savage, rectifier, blackmore, tsl, and the 6100 i could afford by just selling the cobra (actually i guess i could get TWO 6100 for my cobra lol). jsx is quite rare used, but should be in the same pricerange. the krank and invader are more expensive...both around 1500 euro. i might have to sell two amps, cobra plus the line6 or the marshall, in order to get one of these. the problem is the lack of availabilty on ebay and the likes...i'd have to buy a new one, which also means that i'd loose quite a lot of money if i sold it just a few months later....
so, well, sorry for the novel

here's the short short version: cobra doesn't cut it anymore, need a new amp. problem is a lack of volume in the scooped setting or a bad mix (all mids, no highs/lows) in the regular setting.
new amp needs a decent clean channel, either two master volumes or three dedicated gain channels for rhythm/lead. style of music is modern melodic metal (i think).
any sort of input will be greatly appreciated
