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Orange Tiny Terror

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  • Orange Tiny Terror

    Well, I sold my JVM since I'm reducing my rig. I only play at home and don't need such a monster of an amp.

    Now, I'm considering an Orange Tiny Terror as a replacement. I typically play '80'ish type of metal (e.g., Ozzy, Metallica, etc.). How well will the Tiny Terror handle this type of tone? Anyone played one through a 212 VHT FB cab w/ P50 speakers?

    I suppose, ideally, I'd like to find a good used Korean model, but I may need to order new. Any good online retailers? Any of our forum sponsors offer good deals on these?

  • #2
    No one?


    • #3
      I think Hippie Tim had one for a while.I'm sure he will be along and give his review.......
      Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


      • #4
        I have one of these little suckers, made in Korea. I bought it to have a valve amp to play at home at conversetion volume but this fucker is loud and if you don't crank it it sounds pretty bad. It does not take distortion pedals well too so I had to take it at my rehersal place and been happy since then. Now it's my first el84 equipped amp so I can't do a comparison with bigger amps but once you crank the volume you got a really sweet crunch tone, perfect for 70s rock and some 80s stuff. Overdrive pedals work great so if you play 80s metal ala Ozzy you're pretty much set if you don't need a really clean channel. You might also consider a Fender Champ XD, I bought one two weeks ago and it's the perfect amp for bedroom playing. Maybe it's not a pure tube amp since it has a modelling preamp matched with a class A valve circuit but it sounds outstanding also at conversation level, solid construction ( made in china..) and it has a speaker output too.


        • #5
          I had one. At first I was really liking it. It is soooo small and light and portable. They get an A+ for form factor. I gigged with it and a Boogie Thiele V30 1x12. You can get a lot of tones out of it with a good OD pedal and control of your guitar volume.

          That said, it is a "good for the money" amp. There are much better low wattage amp - my Bogner Duende kicks it's ass like there is no tomorrow, of course the Duende cost me 4x the price. There are also much cheaper low wattage amps that do nearly as good.

          I would not pick a Tiny Terror for 80's metal. It is a bit harsh when you try getting those tones and it does not have the low end for that stuff either.
          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

          - Newc


          • #6
            I think it's low end is not that bad, but I play mine thru a 4x12.


            • #7
              sorry to revive an old thread...

              Yesterday I saw a tiny terror and just fell in love with it! Its exactly the tiny tube amp I had always envisioned. Anyway, my current rig is primarily a Uber metal + BBE sonic stomp into a Carvin TS100 100 watt tube amp into a 4x12. Usually at band practise I have the carvin's volume around 3 o'clock in order to listen and be heard.

              that said, I know when it comes to actual loudness, a 50 watt tube amp is not 1/2 the volume of a 100 watt tube amp but in fact the difference is very little. but can this tiny terror match the carvin's volume?


              • #8
                If you have that 100 watter pretty much dimed, I doubt the tiny terror will be able to keep up...


                • #9
                  Yeah it's not loud enough against a 100w tube amp. I use it for rehersals some times but if you play with a loud drummer and another guitar player with a big amp you better play with something else!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                    sorry to revive an old thread...
                    Nah don't be sorry or feel compelled to be proper and curdious.
                    Go right ahead.
                    Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                    "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                    I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                    Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                    • #11
                      Holy thread resurection, Batman!! I sold the tiny terror back in March or so. Killer amp but I got another Marshall.


                      • #12
                        If you're into Orange, another super-simple straight forward amp is the Rocker 30. If the new Bogner Alchemist doesn't live up to the hype (and if they ever release it...), the Rocker 30 will be my next amp.

                        I haven't tried out the TT, but it sure looks cool in theory. Only problem - I use delay.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mordor View Post
                          Yeah it's not loud enough against a 100w tube amp. I use it for rehersals some times but if you play with a loud drummer and another guitar player with a big amp you better play with something else!
                          Even if I used a distortion pedal and dimed the pedal's volume?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                            Even if I used a distortion pedal and dimed the pedal's volume?
                            That won't make it louder. Once you hit the front end of the amp to the point where it clips then all that happens is you get more compression and/or distortion. What you won't get is more volume.
                            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                            - Newc


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                              Even if I used a distortion pedal and dimed the pedal's volume?
                              That just increases distortion, not loudness.

                              You need power for loudness.

                              I think the word "tiny" in the amp's name gives it away about how loud it is

