Originally posted by danyeo
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Which MTS module did you try in the Lynch Box? There are tons of them, I'm just curious as which module you didn't like. The Mr. Scary sounds pretty awful close to "Lynch Tone" to me. Also, Pete from Twisteramps mods the modules for the Randall MTS series and they sound even better yet! I have an XTC and an SL+ which have been modded by Pete and I use them in my RM100. I think its an impressive and innovative amp. I also have a Dual Rectifier as well as my favorite, the Uberschall. As far as Marshall amps go, the best one I've heard in a LONG time is the upcoming 1959RR JMP head! While not as high gain as an Uber or Recto it has a classic hot Marshall sound. Besides the White Rhoads Marshall just looks killer!