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Line 6 Bogner...Any reviews?

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  • #16
    Thanks for the thread hijack. I'm not interested EVEN A LITTLE BIT in the Pod X3 Live.

    Now back to the Bogner...


    • #17
      I took the 12x1 40W combo. Ran it through a 4x12s, P90s (VHT cab) and C30s (MESA Cab). The amp was really voiced for the C30s.

      The power amp section was good, I liked it quite a bit. This was the line6 portion of the amp that made me to bring the amp back to the store.


      • #18
        I have 212 spider valve. It jams but months later I bought a metal muff and it sounds better through it .
        Last edited by ken361; 06-17-2008, 10:01 AM.
        EVh Wolfgang/frankenstein pup
        1959Epiphone les paul
        george L cables
        mxr pedals
        Engl fireball 100


        • #19
          Cool Ken - but we're talking about the Bogner Alchemist. (I have the SV 212 also though - great amp...)


          • #20
            I dunno, Chris - akoch is talking about "the Line 6 portion of the amp"... I thought the Alchemist was pure Bogner, just not USA made?


            • #21
              Originally posted by slash-ed View Post
              I dunno, Chris - akoch is talking about "the Line 6 portion of the amp"... I thought the Alchemist was pure Bogner, just not USA made?
              Yeah - then I guess he's talking about the Spider Valve as well. Good catch. Has anyone played the Alchemist then?


              • #22
                Huh, so this is not the Spired Valve stuff? Then I missed the question.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by akoch View Post
                  Huh, so this is not the Spired Valve stuff? Then I missed the question.

                  Bogner is making their own amp, but it's made in China in the Line 6 factory.

                  The main difference is that it doesn't have the digital preamp like the Spider Valve. It's all tube, with a built in delay and reverb effect. Looks pretty tasty, and it'll be the Bogner for the masses - or at least those who are going to want to spend about $1000 bucks I'm guessing. There are some clips on youtube if you look around a little.

                  I thought they were going to release it late-spring, but maybe they'll send it out after Summer NAMM. The only probelm will be where to get one, as I think they'll be limited to certain dealers. There aren't a lot of Bogner dealers to begin with.


                  • #24
                    Don't knock it 'til you try it

                    Hey Chris - I didn't mean to hijack the thread ... just wanted to share my experience before anybody wasted their money. You're not even the least bit interested in an X3L but you're considering a Spider Valve? :ROTF::ROTF: Spider Valves are toys IMHO, crappy effects, worthless control from the floor, etc. etc. Yeah, they're loud, but that's all they are. Do you think they're even real Bogners (foot in the door for the China/Alchemist deal ... maybe)?? Strange bedfellows if you ask me and I'm a Line 6 guy!! Seriously, why spend any money on a one dimensional amp when you can throw the X3L at any good tube amp and smoke a Spider Valve? Plus you've still got your amp and all it does on its own + pedals or what have you. I don't suppose you've actually tried my suggestion have you? Go to GC and tell 'em to hook it up for you. If they know how ... you'll be impressed. Wanna blow up the world? Run an X3L through an Ecstasy. Thread returned, no hostages no ransom ... no casualties.


                    • #25
                      You need to relax... no one was knocking your somewhat precious X3L... it's just that no one in this thread cares!

                      Personally, the simple Spider interface appeals to me. I'm not a Vetta type of guy. There aren't 1000 parameters to tweak, control is simple and easy. Yeah, I could probably get the same, or a better tone out of my GT6 into a tube poweramp or whatever, but that takes WAY longer than it does to tweak the SV.

                      I'm not going to bother with the actual tone of it, since that's subjective to everyone and their dog, but suffice to say it's good enough for me

                      Btw, chris already owns one, and I'm pretty sure he likes it


                      • #26
                        Precious ????

                        X3L not precious ... Ecstasy precious. Kindergarten was easy too. BTW all this stuff is GIGO. But you're right; it is subjective. Now that I'm relaxed ...


                        • #27

                          I've owned PODs since they first came out (got my first one in 1999), so I'm no stranger to them. I've had all except the X3. I don't want an X3 because I didn't care for the XT. I don't need all the extra stuff. I keep my sound simple - amp model and a little delay - and the XT requires way too much tweaking. I had one for about a month. That was enough. So that's why I'm not the least bit interested in it. What's the point of spending all that extra money when I get exactly what I need out of a POD Pro setup that cost me a lot less? Add to which you come into this thread swinging your "great idea" around like you're the first to have thought of it...and now you're throwing digs at my amp?? Come on...

                          Throw the X3 in front of an Ecstacy - I'm sure it sounds great, but it's a $4000 setup, and what's the point of using a POD with an Ecstacy anyway?? Why would someone do that?? If I had disposable income to throw at amps, I'd probably have the Shiva anyway, and while I don't plan on getting one, you can bet I wouldn't put a POD in it and use the Shiva as a power amp. I don't play out, and I know my balls are big enough without the ego stroke. I also play guitar as a third hobby (hence the reason I suck), far behind my expensive hobbies of alpine & telemark skiing, and bicycling, of which I probably have about $10,000 wrapped up in gear, never mind the hours of training I do each week. Don't get me wrong - I love guitar - I've been playing for about 18 years, but I have other things that are a lot more important to me.

                          Do I think the Alchemist is a real Bogner? YEAH. Says so right on the front of the amp. Reinhold designed it, so paint me happy - it must be a Bogner! I don't care that it's made in China. Do I expect it to be an Ecstacy, Shiva, Duende, or Uber? No. But I bet it'll be one of the better amps you can get for that kind of money, and I bet it'll blow most of them out of the water from a tone standpoint. I'm no cork-sniffing amp snob, and am perfectly willing to give any amp a shot regardless of the origins. Heck, one of the best cabs I've owned was a B-52 AT-412B cab I bought slightly used for $250 - not exactly what I was looking for, but it sounded killer. I'd still take it over a Marshall or Mesa cab any time.

                          BTW - I'm pretty fucking happy with my "toy" amp. I don't need you to tell me what sounds good, but thanks for the input. Unless you own one or have owned one, you can have an opinion, but I will dismiss it immediately - it's an amp that needs to have some time to figure out what it does, and how to make it tick... A 10 minute demo at GC doesn't count. Not enough for me to care what you think about it. But this thread is not about the Spider Valve - it's about the Bogner Alchemist.

                          I'm glad you like you X3 though. I'm sure I would too if I didn't have to spend hours dicking with it to make a sound that takes me 30 seconds to get from my POD Pro or my Floor Pod Plus.

                          Last edited by chrisolson; 06-17-2008, 11:04 PM.


                          • #28
                            Easy man ...

                            Damn Chris - don't take all this shit so personally. I started playing the guitar while you were probably still in diapers and have given away more gear than you'll probably ever own. That's not the point. The point is not everybody sees it the same way ... yours or mine. If people are looking for alternatives ... give them yours; after all this is America. And I'll give them mine. You can dismiss my opinions all you want ... I don't really care. I'm glad you're happy with your "toy" amp ... lots of people are and they are not a bad product per se. They're just not suitable for my use that's all. I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm not a snob but I'm very demanding when it comes to my gear. It's not my fault if I can tweak something in 2 minutes that would take you hours. None of that matters. But you really should stop displaying your ignorance by flaming people until you learn how to fucking read. You didn't even read the first post in this thread ... Alchemist my ass. Nor did you read mine. You just hauled off and whacked me. Oh well, I guess that explains your dismay with products such as the X3L ... you can't read the manual. Why would anybody run an X3L with an Ecstacy ... oh yeah, you'd have to have read the manuals to understand that one too. And just for the record a Spider Valve is not a Bogner; never was - never will be no matter what you want to believe. Now be a good egg and take a yolk. If you want to take a poke at me that's cool, just read everything before you attack. Peace, S-O-M


                            • #29
                              This thread IS about the Alchemist. Arsewit.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Strat-O-Master View Post
                                Damn Chris - don't take all this shit so personally. I started playing the guitar while you were probably still in diapers and have given away more gear than you'll probably ever own. That's not the point. The point is not everybody sees it the same way ... yours or mine. If people are looking for alternatives ... give them yours; after all this is America. And I'll give them mine. You can dismiss my opinions all you want ... I don't really care. I'm glad you're happy with your "toy" amp ... lots of people are and they are not a bad product per se. They're just not suitable for my use that's all. I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm not a snob but I'm very demanding when it comes to my gear. It's not my fault if I can tweak something in 2 minutes that would take you hours. None of that matters. But you really should stop displaying your ignorance by flaming people until you learn how to fucking read. You didn't even read the first post in this thread ... Alchemist my ass. Nor did you read mine. You just hauled off and whacked me. Oh well, I guess that explains your dismay with products such as the X3L ... you can't read the manual. Why would anybody run an X3L with an Ecstacy ... oh yeah, you'd have to have read the manuals to understand that one too. And just for the record a Spider Valve is not a Bogner REALLY??? HOLY SHIT - NOW YOU'VE REALLY RUINED MY DAY; never was - never will be no matter what you want to believe. Now be a good egg and take a yolk. If you want to take a poke at me that's cool, just read everything before you attack. Peace, S-O-M
                                Thanks alot. I really appreciate the shots - do you feel better now? Re-read the entire thread - we determined that Mike was talking about that Alchemist. See here:

                                Originally posted by drockilles View Post
                                Think Mike's talking about these Chris:

                                Only review so far seems to be from Bill, and not very positive
                                EDIT: think bill was talking about the Egnater
                                Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                                Guys, I think Mike is talking about the new Chinese made Bogners, not the Spidervalve.
                                When I first got into this thread months ago, I thought he was talking about the SV as well - turns out that wasn't true. Guess you missed that. Here...

                                Originally posted by chrisolson View Post
                                WELL SHIT!! Never mind then.
                                Pay attention - it helps.

                                You say I take things personally? I hardly flamed you, and then you went below the belt (see above if you're wondering...). But you know alot about me, so I'm pretty sure your analysis of me was spot on. I don't know shit about guitars or gear (I mean heck - I just barely reached puberty yesterday... I'm a late bloomer at 36...), and should probably run all my thoughts about both through you. Thanks - I'll keep it in mind.

                                I still don't know why you'd use a Pod with an Ecstacy... If I could afford one of those, you can bet there would be nothing but high end and/or boutique gear in front of it or in the loop. But if it's what makes you happy, great, and I'm really glad you like your X3. I'm sure it's great. I'd only NEED about 3% of what it's capable of (and I do know - thanks...), so there's really no need for me to have one.

                                But I would like a test run of the Alchemist so I can replace my toy amp. Even if it's just a fake Bogner, I bet it's pretty cool.
                                Last edited by chrisolson; 06-18-2008, 08:09 AM.

