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EVH 5150 lll...second one dead...

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  • #16
    I had one for 2 or 3 weeks. It was okay! Here's some porn for you guys, As you'll see it's nothing special. LOL

    Nothing like my Cauble Omnitone below.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Learn Guitars View Post
      I am crossing my fingers that I got a good one. My only complaint is the effects loop is a bit noisy. Best of luck with your amp situation.

      I bet the problem with the 5150 III's is taco sauce being spilled in it during manufacturing.


      • #18
        Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
        I bet the problem with the 5150 III's is taco sauce being spilled in it during manufacturing.

        No, the problem is that the footswitch socket at the amp end wasn't conducting to the PCB because of a bad solder connection.


        • #19
          Originally posted by SEAN RAF View Post
          I was loaned a Marshall which was like going back to the dark ages; excellent amp if I wanted to sound like fucking Angel Witch or Spider
          And what, exactly, is wrong with that????? :ROTF:
          Eeeh, Spider, with that bloke on guitar who looked like Vim Fuego. That takes me back.....ah, memories!

          Anyway, I bow to you, oh Supreme Shagger of Amplifiers. I bet they love seeing you opening the door at that shop - "Quick, Returns Dept, red alert! He's back again!! Dive Dive!!"
          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

          I nearly broke her back


          • #20
            I know, I shouldn't knock the NWOBHM bands, if it wasn't for them my house would've been paid for by now and I would've had a girlfriend a lot sooner...

            I think any profit that was in that EVH for Sounds Great has well and truly been spent on placating my miserable arse. Got to say though, they are the best shop in the North West of England. Scott is the main amp guy there and he knows his stuff; he's importing Splawn Nitro's soon...Sound Control (RIP) wouldn't be arsed with the good stuff, they were too busy concentrating on their competition...Argos.


            • #21
              BTW, I have just returned from Manchester with my original repaired head with the damaged casing. I've got this until Fender ship over another new unit from Holland. I decided against 'option 3', as I had a bad feeling about Fender possibly getting shitty with the warranty if I swapped chassis's over. I should get the 3rd (that's right, THIRD) head in a couple of weeks.

