My trusty... Hello Kitty Strat and Roland Microcube!

This was taken at about 4 or 5 am when my buddy from Washington and a couple friends from San Diego came out and helped me dust about 3 cases of beer and a massive amount of bbq, don't really remember playing this until the next day when brandon posted it on the internet!
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a while back before I joined Motive (2000) I was in my band "Exiled" signed by - Hellion Records" I was also in a Slayer Tribute band named "Raining Blood"... we played 40+ slayer songs live

This was taken at about 4 or 5 am when my buddy from Washington and a couple friends from San Diego came out and helped me dust about 3 cases of beer and a massive amount of bbq, don't really remember playing this until the next day when brandon posted it on the internet!

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a while back before I joined Motive (2000) I was in my band "Exiled" signed by - Hellion Records" I was also in a Slayer Tribute band named "Raining Blood"... we played 40+ slayer songs live
