For a while now I was feeling really down because I thought my playing was horrendously sloppy. I had string buzzing and open string noise everywhere, to the point where I quit playing for a week or two just because I was so pissed off.
My tone was godlike though, I really enjoyed it. Then it hit me, the batteries for my EMG's (18v) were probably running low. I checked the cleans, and indeed they were distorted.
So I swapped new batteries and it is as clean and crisp as a summer morning now, no more of that buzzy backdrop BUT
ALL of my tone is gone!! Even on the lead channel of the Quad I can only get a 'distorted clean' tone at best.
I played the Quad this morning with the old batteries in the guitar, so I'm doubtful that a tube went bad in just a timespan of 2 hrs. Could it really be because of the battery change?
Did the old/dying batteries that were in there before give such an extra distortion boost?
MY TONE IS GONE!!! HELP!!! I have no idea what to do.
For a while now I was feeling really down because I thought my playing was horrendously sloppy. I had string buzzing and open string noise everywhere, to the point where I quit playing for a week or two just because I was so pissed off.
My tone was godlike though, I really enjoyed it. Then it hit me, the batteries for my EMG's (18v) were probably running low. I checked the cleans, and indeed they were distorted.
So I swapped new batteries and it is as clean and crisp as a summer morning now, no more of that buzzy backdrop BUT
ALL of my tone is gone!! Even on the lead channel of the Quad I can only get a 'distorted clean' tone at best.
I played the Quad this morning with the old batteries in the guitar, so I'm doubtful that a tube went bad in just a timespan of 2 hrs. Could it really be because of the battery change?
Did the old/dying batteries that were in there before give such an extra distortion boost?
MY TONE IS GONE!!! HELP!!! I have no idea what to do.