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Need Some Advice RE: Behringer Heads

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  • #16
    I think they have qualified my earlier post!

    I wasn't basing my comment on heresay or snobbery either. Once upon a time I used to shift loads of Behringer stuff, in fact they couldn't keep enough stock coming to me, I'd wait months for orders to arrive. Then it became cheaper for the end-user to buy from a place in Germany than use me - in fact it became cheaper for me to buy from the place in Germany than get it from Behringer as a dealer!!

    The upside with them is that their stuff is dirt cheap, and I guess they have passed the shrinkage in price to the end-user, rather than simply making piles more cash. I wouldn't be surprised if several manufacturers' stuff all came out of the same factory.

    I do think things like their Ultracurves and quad-gate/comps are OK, I have some that have been used with small rigs for years and though a little noisy, still going strong, no problems (just watch them fuck up next time out now!), and certainly worth a punt if you haven't got the cash to spunk on top-end gear, but their PA stuff I wouldn't touch with a barge-pole.
    Guaranteed to make you look like a cunt in the middle of a gig when it goes tits up.

    Personally, I'd either save a little harder or tap someone for some cash, rather than blowing what little you have on something that could be unreliable, and will get you nothing when you do upgrade. Have a look and see what decent used proper amps come in at, you might not be too far our cash-wise. If you need a stop-gap, you obviously have plenty of gigs - think how a shitty amp will make things a pain in the arse.

    Like jgcable says, great for dossing about on, cheap as chips, but me, I'd rather rely on a 25 yr old Marshall head and Boss DS1 than a brand new Behringer amp.
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back


    • #17
      Consider a similar setup to what I used the Vamp pro with a poweramp, for soem reason I thought the pro sounded better than the vamp 2 I had for a while...

      Also I've had the Pro for a long long long time now 4 years and havent had a single problem with it...

      Plenty of people have had stuff from behringer that has failed, plenty of folks have had no problems.

      My only gripe with the mkII vamp was the battery died after I left the thing on in the studio, and reset to factory placed a new battery problem solved, also for a company that cheeaps out and cuts corners it's nice they use a battery box clip in the vamp so you can replace it yourself, unlike line 6 which needs to be sent off...

      The advantage of buying a poweramp and vamp pro is it can be louder, the disadvantage is it will be heavy...

      And in regards to the mono stereo thing is the vampire head needs to be run stereo to get the full 120watts, which should be enough volume for most gig's.

      I still can't figure out how the hell the vamp pro could sound better than the MKII but to my ears it did...

      I got the poweramp used for a very good price I think i've got it running on 400watts mono the trouble is finding acab to match the power or run it stereo on a lower output...

      For me it was a very practical setup and worked fine for rehearsal and had more than enough pweor for gigs...


      • #18
        Hey, thanks everyone; and I'd welcome more input if there're more people stumbling on this thread. I'm pretty much getting the same thing here as I found on reviews Some of you have had okay, if not good, experiences... others, not so much.

        I appreciate it.

