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Who makes a 1 space guitar amp?

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  • #16
    Ive had a Peavey Stereo CS 200 single rack space (100wts per side)
    SS amp for 14 years now! 100% reliable. I paid $229.00 NEW!
    You could probably find one on Craigs list for $100.00? Great stereo amp imo!!


    • #17
      I have an ADA micro tube 100 it is a one space deal and vents thru the front.I have not had any trouble with it at all.
      Its plenty loud too.I like that its stereo I run a Jackson JX-3 stereo pre amp into a black faced Intellifex out to the ADA and into 2 4X12 cabs.
      Its got plenty of balls.
      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


      • #18
        Another vote for the Mesa 20/20. A tube power amp will really warm up the signal from a digital processor. And like someone already mentioned, no need for concern regarding heat as long as the back of the rack has ventilation (not covered, up against a wall, etc).


        • #19
          I love my Mesa 20/20, and yes it is rear-to-front vented so it should be OK with something mounted above it. It is plenty loud if you use both channels (if you only use one channel it might be a little underpowered for bigger venues unless your cab is mic'd)

          I also have a Velocity 150 (loud as hell and 1 rack space) but that one has a top & front vents, so I don't know if it would be good to have something directly above it. It's solid state and definitely doesn't sound as nice as the 20/20, but I keep it around as a backup.

