As usual, I waited around until noon, and then had to go out. 20 minutes later they showed up to deliver it. 
So, when I got home, I went to the post office to pick it up.
Got it home, plugged it in, and I gotta say I'm pretty sure I like it a lot. First off, this thing is like new. It smells of smoke slightly, but not too bad, and it looks like it came straight from Carvin it's so minty.
How's it sound? Well, it IS naturally dark sounding. With the EQ & presence knobs set at 12 o'clock, it has a lot of low mids and bottom end. However, the controls are VERY sensitive, and have a huge impact on the sound, unlike some amps with knobs that barely do anything. So, the bottom line is, you can really EQ the amp to your taste, and it will respond well. There is plenty of gain on tap, contrary to what a few people told me, and certainly enough to do high gain metal IMO. No, it's not over the top like a 5150, but there's not much point in having that much more gain than you'll ever use is there? With the drive knob at 8, It can easily do the high gain stuff.
The only weakness I've noticed so far, is how loose it is. I expected it to be loose, but it is perhaps a tad looser than I normally like. Not necessarily a bad thing, but definitely different. It reminds me a lot of my friend's DSL100 in that respect, but not as flubby. I'm sure I can tighten it up a lot with my boost pedal when needed. I also need to try it with 6L6s too. I have a set here ready to throw in when I feel motivated to do so. Also, keep in mind, I haven't come close to opening this thing up yet either. It is friggin' loud as hell with the volume at 1 on 50 watt mode. I can pretty much imagine how loud this will be at 5 on 100 watt mode.
The clean channel is the best I've ever heard. it's really nice. Not muddy, and not harsh at all. Just shimmery and perfect. The reverb sounds great too.
Also, I gotta say, this is the first Carvin amp I've ever had, and I am super impressed with the quality. It is very solidly built, well put together, well designed, and just generally looks and feels like a much more expensive piece than it is.

So, when I got home, I went to the post office to pick it up.
Got it home, plugged it in, and I gotta say I'm pretty sure I like it a lot. First off, this thing is like new. It smells of smoke slightly, but not too bad, and it looks like it came straight from Carvin it's so minty.
How's it sound? Well, it IS naturally dark sounding. With the EQ & presence knobs set at 12 o'clock, it has a lot of low mids and bottom end. However, the controls are VERY sensitive, and have a huge impact on the sound, unlike some amps with knobs that barely do anything. So, the bottom line is, you can really EQ the amp to your taste, and it will respond well. There is plenty of gain on tap, contrary to what a few people told me, and certainly enough to do high gain metal IMO. No, it's not over the top like a 5150, but there's not much point in having that much more gain than you'll ever use is there? With the drive knob at 8, It can easily do the high gain stuff.
The only weakness I've noticed so far, is how loose it is. I expected it to be loose, but it is perhaps a tad looser than I normally like. Not necessarily a bad thing, but definitely different. It reminds me a lot of my friend's DSL100 in that respect, but not as flubby. I'm sure I can tighten it up a lot with my boost pedal when needed. I also need to try it with 6L6s too. I have a set here ready to throw in when I feel motivated to do so. Also, keep in mind, I haven't come close to opening this thing up yet either. It is friggin' loud as hell with the volume at 1 on 50 watt mode. I can pretty much imagine how loud this will be at 5 on 100 watt mode.
The clean channel is the best I've ever heard. it's really nice. Not muddy, and not harsh at all. Just shimmery and perfect. The reverb sounds great too.
Also, I gotta say, this is the first Carvin amp I've ever had, and I am super impressed with the quality. It is very solidly built, well put together, well designed, and just generally looks and feels like a much more expensive piece than it is.
