I spent about 20 minutes playing around with this amp at GC over the weekend. It was running through the matching 1x12 cab. I plugged a Tele and a Les Paul into it and I really liked this amp! Wondering if any of you have any experience with it. Anyone tried it through a 4x12? Tried running a POD or other modeler through the fx loop? I was just plugged straight in and got very nice cleans, a fantastic blues tone, and a good rock sound. I'm curious as to how good a modeler would sound through the loop for the heavier tones. I think this amp and a POD XT Live may replace my Vetta. I can never seem to dial in a slightly dirty tone on the vetta that makes me happy. Now I'm just babbling....
What's everyone's thoughts on the Rebel?
What's everyone's thoughts on the Rebel?