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Scored a Early Rackmount Dual Recto... Need some info...

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  • Scored a Early Rackmount Dual Recto... Need some info...

    I had always wanted a early Dual Recto rack mount. That is what was used on most albums I listened to growing up. Alice in Chains "Dirt" Tool "Aenima" and Soundgarden albums. Lets not forget the live tone of Metallica during the 90's

    I had always wanted one and finally scored this. Check out the price I got it for next to nothing. Early serial as well.

    I looked online and the Mesa forums and found some info.

    My question for you guys is do you have any personal experience with these?

    Also should I go back to factory Mesa tubes? Looks like the seller put aftermarket tubes in? I am ignorant to tubes so please school me. All my amps go with stock tubes. If I buy a amp and a tube goes bad I always replace with factory matched set tubes if possible.

    One other question I am running a ADA MQ1 eq so do you thing it would be a good idea to run it with the Recto?

    I have a Triaxis preamp that this will run through. I also have a old ADA MP1 and a Marshall JMP1 that I hardly ever use.

    I just wanted to give you a run down of my preamps for any suggestions.

  • #2
    Tubes are like strings. its a personal preference. You will have to mix and match to achieve the tone you desire. Anyone who's invested in "other-than-stock" tubes will always say that stock tubes suck. But the MB tubes are nothing to sneeze at. my personal preference are JJ's.

    Not sure how useful those other preamps will be along with this monster unless you want to mix and match for different tones. I used to own the JMP1 and though the clean1 was a good clean. Not great, but good.


    • #3
      congrats on a great score indeed.
      Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

      "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

      I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

      Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


      • #4
        Mesas have fixed bias on the power tubes, you can't just trade tubes in and out. You have two choices: changing the bias resistors when getting new tubes or buying tubes within mesa specs. You can get the mesa branded tubes, but they are kind of steep. A lot of tube dealers you will find online will sell you tubes that test out to mesa's specs if you ask for them, though.
        "It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"


        • #5
          Originally posted by marcus View Post
          Mesas have fixed bias on the power tubes, you can't just trade tubes in and out. You have two choices: changing the bias resistors when getting new tubes or buying tubes within mesa specs. You can get the mesa branded tubes, but they are kind of steep. A lot of tube dealers you will find online will sell you tubes that test out to mesa's specs if you ask for them, though.
          Correct me if I'm wrong. Fixed bias means the amp does not come with a pot to change its bias. But an amp tech can change the amps's bias right? The 5150 is a fixed bias amp, but voodoo amps (or someone) offer a bias pot mod. I took the 5150 for repair and the amp-tech offered to install a pot so I could bias it myself.

          EDIT: Yes, voodoo does offer the bias mod. And I'm positive 5150 is a fixed bias amp.

          Bias Mod - Amp is converted to adjustable bias & is included in all Mods (Reg $49.95)
          Last edited by emperor_black; 12-18-2008, 07:51 PM.


          • #6
            I don't think there is any reason to use a preamp with a Dual Recto.
            I wouldn't change anything unless there is something you don't like about the sound.
            Its like swapping out the intake manifold on an engine that you haven't started up and driven yet. Give it a chance first. I would bet that anybody that owns a rack mount Recto probably knows what they are doing or brought it to somebody who does.


            • #7
              Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
              Correct me if I'm wrong. Fixed bias means the amp does not come with a pot to change its bias. But an amp tech can change the amps's bias right? The 5150 is a fixed bias amp, but voodoo amps (or someone) offer a bias pot mod. I took the 5150 for repair and the amp-tech offered to install a pot so I could bias it myself.

              EDIT: Yes, voodoo does offer the bias mod. And I'm positive 5150 is a fixed bias amp.

              Bias Mod - Amp is converted to adjustable bias & is included in all Mods (Reg $49.95)
              You are correct. You can add a pot and do the bias adjustments yourself if you want, as you noted.
              "It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"


              • #8
                great score, I was watching that one. I recently picked up a rackto as well and am really really loving it. I built a small rack with george L's and a g-major. It sounds quite huge and mean. I am using a ground control pro and set up the 8 instant access buttons on it for:
                1 - EQ on/off
                2 - Channel switch (clean/dirt)
                3 - Mute (silent tuning)
                4 - Bypass
                5 - Preset boost
                6 - Chorus (on/off)
                7 - Delay (on/off)
                8 - Reverb (on/off)

                This feature is really awesome and super versatile as any of those choices are avail in any patch at any time. No need for your preamps or anything else like that.

                Go here for a history of rectos:

                Go here for a bunch of settings to try:
                Site dedicated to providing a community for owners of Peavey's EVH Wolfgang and Ernie Ball EVH and Axis model guitars.>

                Here is a pic of mine:

                As for tubs, everyone has covered that for you. PLay it for awhile and seehow it sounds. You could also send it off to Mesa for a full checkup. Hope this helps.



                • #9
                  Very clean setup,9. Nice!


                  • #10
                    You could use your pre amps through the power section of the Recto for additional tones too.
                    CURRENT GEAR SET UP
                    2005 JACKSON SOLOIST
                    1989 JACKSON KING V
                    1984 JACKSON RR
                    AXE FX II
                    MESA BOOGIE 2:90
                    DMC GROUND CONTROL PRO
                    FURMAN POWER CONDITIONER
                    (2) MESA BOOGIE 4X12 RECTO CABINETS
                    (2) MESA BOOGIE 2X12 RECTO CABINETS


                    • #11
                      That's a kickass lookin and sounding rig!


                      • #12
                        MESA tubes are just rebranded aftermarkets. Not that they are bad or good.

                        I don't like JJ's at all these days. I won't use anything other than Winged C Svets for power tubes. Tubestore or whoever will be able to match up tubes to your fixed bias amp easily... I always recommend getting mods on those. You can usually be amazed at how great an amp like that will sound when the tubes are dialed. 5150's wake up AMAZINGLY with a bias mod.

                        Preamp, well, that can get wild. JJ are way too sedate for preamp IMO. They are consistant. Consistantly boring. Sovtech generally sound pretty yukky, but have more output/gain than JJs. There a few to look through at least.

                        I prefer a selection of old NOS mostly. Many are just outrageous pricing tho. Old RCA's, 80s Chinese cheese grater getter 12ax7s are fairly cheap and sound great, New chinese sound good, but some die off fast, buy extras.

                        The new tung Sols are pretty cool in many preamps. Definitely worth a try.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for all the comments.

                          One thing I keep hearing is anything in the "Effects Loop" sucks on these Rectos. Is this true?

                          I got a TC Electronics G major I was hoping to run with it...

                          Is the green recto powdercoated? Did you do the mod or did the prior owner? I am curious as to what other colors can look like.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by thenine View Post
                            great score, I was watching that one. I recently picked up a rackto as well and am really really loving it. I built a small rack with george L's and a g-major. It sounds quite huge and mean. I am using a ground control pro and set up the 8 instant access buttons on it for:
                            1 - EQ on/off
                            2 - Channel switch (clean/dirt)
                            3 - Mute (silent tuning)
                            4 - Bypass
                            5 - Preset boost
                            6 - Chorus (on/off)
                            7 - Delay (on/off)
                            8 - Reverb (on/off)

                            This feature is really awesome and super versatile as any of those choices are avail in any patch at any time. No need for your preamps or anything else like that.

                            Go here for a history of rectos:

                            Go here for a bunch of settings to try:
                            Site dedicated to providing a community for owners of Peavey's EVH Wolfgang and Ernie Ball EVH and Axis model guitars.>

                            Here is a pic of mine:

                            As for tubs, everyone has covered that for you. PLay it for awhile and seehow it sounds. You could also send it off to Mesa for a full checkup. Hope this helps.

                            Very nice set up. Perfect actually and my favorite color is sublime green.


                            • #15
                              Yeah love the green one!!!!

                              I had a rackto a while ago, actually long while ago, and never could get the sound I wanted....some guys work wonders with rectos but for me they are mush in my hands, however I still regret selling the rackto, I had a 2 channle triple before that but it didn't sound as good as the rackto.

                              The loop was okay, but nothing special.


