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Wireless Headphones

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  • Wireless Headphones

    I need some recommendations on which wireless headphones to check out. I've seen the SENNHEISER RS140 recommended here on the forums. They are a bit out of my price range at $330 AU. I can't locate, locally any used ones.
    These ones are in the ballpark
    AKG K206AFC which are about $200 on ebay and a few other places. Does anyone have any experience with these or similar. They will be used at home with a pod or V amp.
    Sorry for writing in pink something has gone screwy

    Last edited by thebeggar; 12-18-2008, 10:25 PM.

  • #2
    You can get em cheaper than that stateside. I bought mine off ebay from user "vminnovations". I see he has the RS120's up for $59 BIN but no RS140's right now- The ones I got were refurbished. I've had em at least 2 years and they work & sound great.

    I see some up by other sellers for $150-ish American. I don't know those sellers, but I have no problem with VM. They have 65k feedback- Would not be surprised at all if they shipped internationally.

    Here's a $200 AU BIN on Ebay AUS...


    • #3
      I have an older set of Sonys that I use all the time. They have their place. Since they're wireless, they have a certain amount of compression on them, and if they sit there for a minute or two without a hot enough signal, it cuts the signal off, giving you static through the cans, which can definitely make you jumpy, if you have them, cranked!
      I'm not Ron!


      • #4
        I had a pair for a little while (I thought they were Sonys) to use with my modeler, but they had latency that made it really weird to play (notes sounding after I had played them). I think they would've been fine for listening to music, but they didn't work for monitoring my own playing, due to the latency issue.


        • #5
          Thanks for the link Vass. What's weird is that that sale is in Aussie $$ but the seller is located in the states. I'm very close to hitting the BIN on this cos even at $240 this is about the equivalent to a pair of RS 120's in the shops.

          I was hoping to get pair for Chrissie(as a present from mum god luv her) but I might have to employ a bit of patience and get them shipped from the states.

