Well i joined the TC Electronic family... Couldnt pass on a mint G Major !
for $220.00 shipped! Will be interesting to see how the GT-10 and
the G work together? Certainly should have some "Lush" and sparkle
to my tone!
How would you guys set them up? I have an old Digitech RP12 that
i could use as a floor only Midi Switcher...or use the GT-10 for floor
midi switching of the ADA MP-1 and the G Major? Right now..even
though most feel that im not using the ADA to it's fullest... Im running
the ADA thru my GT-10's "Loop" as a boost, in and out of certain effects.
Sounds Huge! Very clear, and defined.. Using the ADA' loop to put the
GT thru, is thin, and nasal. I tried all the "Send and Return levels...
at all kinds of set points, and still sounded way worse, than putting the ADA
thru the GT-10's "Loop"..
The ADA Loop isnt up to par imo.. a bit noisy. Would you guys use
the G Major as the "Base" control? Or make the GT-10 the main unit,
and run the G thru the GT-10's "Loop", and then put the ADA MP-1
thru the G' Forces Mains input? I think the G does NOT have a Loop?
for $220.00 shipped! Will be interesting to see how the GT-10 and
the G work together? Certainly should have some "Lush" and sparkle
to my tone!

How would you guys set them up? I have an old Digitech RP12 that
i could use as a floor only Midi Switcher...or use the GT-10 for floor
midi switching of the ADA MP-1 and the G Major? Right now..even
though most feel that im not using the ADA to it's fullest... Im running
the ADA thru my GT-10's "Loop" as a boost, in and out of certain effects.
Sounds Huge! Very clear, and defined.. Using the ADA' loop to put the
GT thru, is thin, and nasal. I tried all the "Send and Return levels...
at all kinds of set points, and still sounded way worse, than putting the ADA
thru the GT-10's "Loop"..
The ADA Loop isnt up to par imo.. a bit noisy. Would you guys use
the G Major as the "Base" control? Or make the GT-10 the main unit,
and run the G thru the GT-10's "Loop", and then put the ADA MP-1
thru the G' Forces Mains input? I think the G does NOT have a Loop?