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Getting a used G Force to give my GT-10 some company!

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  • #16
    Sounds like a good mod for that...

    Thanks for the links


    • #17
      Originally posted by Dogbone View Post
      I've been using an Mp1 for years now, and have recently made the switch form a Quadraverb to a G Major. I don't run it though the effects loop on the Mp1 even though I have, I just prefer it after the Mp1. My setup is fairly simple, but gives me the sounds, and the tone I like, but I'm a stuck in the 80's player, and have never had a desire to try and modernize my tone.
      On to my rack...
      Furman M8LX
      G Major,
      BBE 362,
      Peavey Classic 50/50
      Controlled by a Rocktron Midimate
      I run two 1x12 cabs with vintage 30's
      I also have two older 5150 straight cabs, but rarely use them at home.
      To me, it seems that you have to much processing going on.
      I would agree with the above recommendations, and build two rigs out of what you have. Just keep it simple, and you will find the results my surprise you, sometimes less is more
      Btw, if you don't feel that the Mp1 is giving you enough gain, there is always the 3TM mod... Instant Mesa tones, and a lot less money than buying a new preamp
      Just my two pennies
      Too much Processing ?? If anything... im a bit on the dry side! :ROTF:

      I usually just borrow...beg or steal this has me wondering? LOL


      • #18
        Try plugging in your processors Robert...


        • #19
          What I meant by to much processing is that your using both the Mp1 and the GT10 together. Nothing wrong with that, but I think as was stated, build two rigs out of one. To me, the Mp1 and the GT10 together is a little much, like they are fighting each other. But whatever works for you is all that matters, just a suggestion to try the simple route and see how you like it.


          • #20
            The G-Force is still quite expensive even as 2nd hand now. I've used a Fireworx before, so I imagine you'd be able to make some seriously trippy sounds with or without a GT-10.
            Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

            "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


            • #21
              Well after dickin around with the Gmajor for about an hour...i now have
              twice the tone! I found one patch, that just adds about 30 db of boost,
              with no noise (TC's gate is killer) and added to one of my Uber patches,
              its nirvana! Well to me anyway..i dont how i did it? I most likely just
              lucked out with the input and output settings, and such, but its absolutely
              crystal clear, with every note singing out, and chords are tight, and every
              string is heard.. Turned down the gain to about 28% on my preamp..
              and it's just Suicidal Tendancies ! NO...its Nuno ! Cleveland metal would be proud!
              And this with the ADA Mp-1 NOT in use.. Something about the lushness
              and sparkle of TC..? Whatever it is... im stoked!

