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Just got into Tubes is it worth the money for Mullards?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ulijdavid View Post
    Unfortunately, I got fed up with swapping tubes and spent more time experimenting than playing. if you are looking for a particular sound. Its great to start on the internet for suggestions, but obviously only YOUR ears are going to tell you what the "Holy Grail" tube is.

    Damn Dude you nailed it! You could be such an anal tone hound that it cut into your guitar playing!

    Comparing tubes could get pretty silly also when you think about all the other pieces to the puzzle.
    #1 Ebony, maple and rosewood boards.
    #2 Duncans, Dimarzios, and Emgs Ceramics vs Alnico. Single coil vs
    #3 Solid body, hollow body and semi hollow.
    #4 What style you are looking for. I'm not trying to capture the 80's sound
    #5 What effects you are using. I only have two "must have" pedals.
    A compressor and the Boss MT2
    #6 I will say that Eurotubes ( JJ's ) has excellent customer service and a
    great product that satisfies a large clientele like Yngwie Malmsteen


    • #17
      It all matter tho... Tubes... Guitar materials and styles, pickups... You can play amazingly well, and have crap tone (Randy and early Vinnie Moore are excellent example), it's all a happy median.

      I'll say that if your main pedal is a Metalzone. You probably don't notice most of the above... They definitely don't lend themselves to displaying most nuances... So yeah, just play.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post

        I'll say that if your main pedal is a Metalzone. You probably don't notice most of the above... They definitely don't lend themselves to displaying most nuances...
        The MT2 is one of the most popular stomp boxes on the market...
        nuff said...


        • #19
          And Britney Spears was the most popular singer for quite some time, She like ummm, rules...

          Plenty of stuff is popular that isn't umm... well... all that. It's usually one of the first pedals that any metal player buys. I had a few of them myself years ago trying to get that crushing tone (and have played them recently as well)... But, chances are very strong once a metal zone gets a hold of your signal, you aren't gonna notice much else. Not to rip on your pedal, but it's just not exactly a subtle distortion unit. Although pretty cool that it has the eq's in it.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
            And Britney Spears was the most popular singer for quite some time, She like ummm, rules...
            Dude, you appear to have a narcissistic personality. If someone doesn't agree with you then the shit hits the fan.

            You know everything about guns, the law, amps, tubes, guitars, ass kicking and everything else. I DON'T WANT THE 80'S SOUND! I don't want to look like you and I don't want to live in Ohio.

            People are different, get over it. I'm done with this.


            • #21
              No bro, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm just aware of that particular pedal. Shit isn't hitting the fan, haha.. I'm trying to make a statment to someone asking about tube differences and you discount his question because "you" own a pedal that keeps you from hearing nuances.

              You said "comparing tube is pretty silly". That tubes timbres don't matter basically. And I can only say that they do. You just may not notice them with a pedal like that. It's a very heavy pedal, and it removes nuances, I assure you.

              You don't have to go on a personal attack saying I'm narcissitic and that I want you to sound like the 80's. I DO NOT sound like the 80s. I do not like the 80's sound at all, haha... I probably sound more like an Arch Enemy style really. Very heavy and somewhat modern.

              Technically, the MT-2 is pretty late 80's

              Don't wish to argue with you man. I'm just trying to let dude know that tube crafting (albeit VERY time consuming and yes very much a pain) is a decent way to get different sounds.

              Ass kicking? You must have me mixed up with Bill, haha... But, I've played metal for 25 or more years and have spent a lot finding out what don't work for me. So, I have a small grip on what I say about tube amps and guitar sound. And yeah, I know a lil about the law I guess.

              Sorry if I came off mean or something.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                It all matter tho... Tubes... Guitar materials and styles, pickups... You can play amazingly well, and have crap tone (Randy and early Vinnie Moore are excellent example), it's all a happy median.

                I'll say that if your main pedal is a Metalzone. You probably don't notice most of the above... They definitely don't lend themselves to displaying most nuances... So yeah, just play.
                In the last year I have really gotten into searching for that perfect distortion and the cleanest clean I could find.

                I used to think anything with a TS9 in front of a 15watt Crate it sounded good and beleive it or not sometimes it does.

                I am looking for three things really to not only find the perfect tone for myself but replicate the 80's Metal tone and then the 90's Hard Rock Alice in Chains type tone. So now that I am getting carried away with my rack which beleive me you guys will see pics of it real soon. Tubes was another variable that was thrown into my lap that made we go WTF?

                I mean I am real going there and am going to run a audio switcher with Midi Ground control from Voodoo labs and a quad gate. I figure since I am doing all this may as well dial in the tubes.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by phill_up View Post
                  Dude, you appear to have a narcissistic personality. If someone doesn't agree with you then the shit hits the fan.

                  You know everything about guns, the law, amps, tubes, guitars, ass kicking and everything else. I DON'T WANT THE 80'S SOUND! I don't want to look like you and I don't want to live in Ohio.

                  People are different, get over it. I'm done with this.
                  Take it easy, Cleveland Metal knows his tone stuff. We can always learn something from everyone even though we may not agree all the time.


                  • #24
                    Tha AIC tone is sweet... Like Man In the Box era?

                    I've never quite nailed it myself. Very organic and chunky I think. Not a main tone I'd want all the time, but I'd love to have it available.

                    I know you're a fan, probably know more about that than I do. Heard he used a Haffler preamp a bit?


                    • #25
                      Thanks Cleveland metal, I apologize for for what i said.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                        Take it easy, Cleveland Metal knows his tone stuff. We can always learn something from everyone even though we may not agree all the time.

                        It's ok... Sometimes I'm in a hurry trying to get an idea out, or make a point and if you don't know me, I probably do sound like a know it all. I don't mean to really. Someone new coming in me easily take me for a dick I'm sure, especially when I sorta ripped on his pedal. Just making a point to his point, that's all.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by phill_up View Post
                          Thanks Cleveland metal, I apologize for for what i said.

                          It's all good man It's always hard to make complex points in print and sometimes when you're in a hurry it's easy to sound mean or offend people. I really didn't mean to.


                          • #28
                            A Proco Rat in front of a cranked Deluxe Reverb hooked into a 2x12 nailed AIC for me.
                            The Rat has a half-cocked wah sound.
                            Strange, but I swear it's true.


                            • #29
                              Cleveland Metal always starts fights and should be slapped 30 times in the face his decapitated pud!:ROTF:

                              Haha..actually you both are cool guys. Sometimes shit doesn't convey well in text..I know this!

                              Actually I'm the narcissitic dickhole, but people like, they love it!

                              Alot of this stuff also depends on the player. I haven't had luck with my Boss metal zone. It was too "harsh" for me at the time, but I really don't like any stomps in general. But, like ALOT of gear..people get along with stuff that I certainly don't. 'Till this day, I sound like complete ass thru any Recto, but Jeff Loomis and others completely destroy with theirs. I WANT Jeff's tone, but I can't get it with his that is truly fucked up!:think:

                              As far my recent preamp tube swapping discoveries. I HATE JJ 12ax7s with a passion. They sound soooooooo weak in both my Uberschall and JMP-1 !...and the JJ's come stock in the Uber and what Bogner strongly recomends using. The Tung Sols sounded best compared to my 13 year old Sovteks and JJs. Actually the Sovteks sound damn good in both the Marshall and the Bogner! That surprised me because I was expecting the JJ's to sounds better than the old Sovteks..that wasn't the case at all. Alot of people love JJ's and are VERY happy with them. The may be reliable but to me, they are a very weak and thin sounding preamp tube. But ya gotta go what works for you..

                              For example, Clevo-John and I will ALWAYS bicker over the Marshall rack stuff. He absolutely loathes it, partly due to his own misfortunes with that rig. I was there and understand..I didn't like his at all at that time. But I smoke with Marshall sound I ever heard to date. Until the JVM grabbed my attention. I can plug into a JVM and rock the fuck out in a matter of seconds. So, different strokes..I guess.

                              We ALL want the best tone we can muster. For me that was an ongoing quest until I discovered both my Marshall and Bogner, which sound amazing together. I really wish I could get THAT sound with ONE amp...NOT!

                              Ex: Uli Roth's pedal board looked far from what I would ever use. But he completely rules with it. When you hear him don't think 70's, 80's, 90's tones and ect. All you hear is fuggin' awesomeness. I'm pretty certain I would sound like ass thru his gear..but ya never know.

                              Remeber there is NO rules to this shit only personal opinions. Now that is an absolute fact of life..even if you disagree.

                              Now kiss and make up..godammit!
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • #30
                                OK nevermind..Phil/John, you guys already made up.

                                Clevo-John still should be pudslapped for his actions. Even tho he didn't do anything wrong.
                                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

