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How do I use these volumes?

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  • How do I use these volumes?

    This may come off as a simple question, but here it goes:

    Just got a Line 6 Spider 3 150 watt for Christmas. It has a channel volume as well as a master volume. How do I use these with my DK2's volume to take advantage of the 400+ presets at a volume so as to not piss everyone on the other end of the house? I want to hear these effects, get some decent volume without blasting it. My lil Roland Cube was a little more cut & dried.
    Trying to keep the peace.

    Thanks for your suggestions in advance~:idea:

  • #2
    Well, I'm not a line 6 guy thats "down' with that particular amp, but no one is stepping up.

    I'd "generally" say to have the guitar controls all the way up.

    Then use the master for just that, overall "master" or main volume (which means it will be set fairly low).

    Then, set the channel volume to where it sounds good "distortion-wise", lowering the master if it gets too loud.

    And, simple or not is relative, we all have to start somewhere.

    Enjoy your cool new amp.


    • #3
      Thanks for your time, Cleveland Metal.
      I was playing with doing this exact thing just now, seems to do what I am looking for. Working at "dueling banjos" with that country twang.. I am getting the effects coming thru without loosing the notes.

      Tried this with "bad to the bone", & of course the beginner favorite, "Smoke on the Water"
      all are working by doing this.

      If I taper off the volume on the guitar, I loose the effects coming thru.

      Haven't had the chance to play with no one home just yet, but am dying to hear this thing at 5+!!!!


      • #4
        Usually, channel volume is used to make multiple channels the same volume, so you can control the overall volume with the master volume.

        It seems strange that lowering the volume on the guitar would affect the effect levels, but that could be how the Spider works.

        For jamming without waking up the neighborhood, keep the master volume low and play with the channel volume. Or use headphones


        • #5
          the headphone thing just sucks, but at least I can get a better feel if I am playing it all right. I don't want to let the effects get in the way of proper tone/fretting, ya know?


          • #6
            I know that on Boss products...(should be the same rule here) that each
            patch, you have to go deaper into the program, to set the overall volume
            of each preset and "Save" it to a U (user program) If your doing the volume in the factory presets, and then you leave to another, or turn
            the unit off, it's going to revert back to its original volume. Yes it's a
            pain...and will take a couple of days, to balance out...but that way you
            end up with 40 or 50 of YOUR User effect patches, all custom set up,
            for output, and volume.. That way you dont go from a clean lower volume patch,
            to blowing up your family with 30 more db in the next patch. Hope this
            helps.. Line 6 is not that user will have to scroll further to
            the right, and find the overall "output" in each preset...enjoy that tiny
            LED readout! This is why i went Boss to get a 2 1/2" by 4" screen...easier on my old eyesight..
            ** As you turn your guitar volume down, you should still have everything in the effects... just
            less volume.. the way you have it now, your controlling an effects loop volume i think?
            Last edited by Robert Burns; 12-31-2008, 08:50 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
              It seems strange that lowering the volume on the guitar would affect the effect levels, but that could be how the Spider works.
              I'm pretty much a neophyte when it comes to stuff like this too but, doesn't it depend on how the effects are routed (Direct, looped ect)? And doesn't the level on some effects (distortion, Wah ect) depend on the strenght of the signal going into it?
              Also, I know if I'm playing for instance with A US High Gain setting, with delay and chorus, and I roll the volume on my guitar back for a cleaner sound, the distortion level drops back (which it should) and the Chorus and Delay will have a different tonality. It may not be less effect, but it does sound different because of the lowered signal. Have I got this right in my head? This may be what's happening here.
              Prosecutors will be violated...


              • #8
                Alot of what your saying is making sense. I just don't have enough experience with amps to understand the in's & out's. Back when I was first getting into this stuff there wasn't the modelling that todays amps pull off.
                Mr. Burns, your right, I think, about controlling essentially an effects loop with all this built in preset stuff..I will try your suggestions tonight, provided the sake don't get to me!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sixx_ gunner View Post
                  Alot of what your saying is making sense. I just don't have enough experience with amps to understand the in's & out's. Back when I was first getting into this stuff there wasn't the modelling that todays amps pull off.
                  Mr. Burns, your right, I think, about controlling essentially an effects loop with all this built in preset stuff..I will try your suggestions tonight, provided the sake don't get to me!
                  You need to fool with it on Friday afternoon!

