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Calling all Sonic Maximizer experts!

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  • Calling all Sonic Maximizer experts!

    I had a 422A a few years back in my rack and I must admit that it seemed like a very essential piece of gear especially in conjunction with my Marshall JMP1.

    I am in the market for another one and wonder if I need to hunt down a 422A exclusively or if the many other rackmounted BBE's are pretty much the same for guitar rigs.

  • #2
    I swore by my 422A as the newer ones seemed too "hi-fi" for my tastes. After snagging a new 482i when I needed a quick replacement for a gig (my 422 crapped out on me in rehearsal), I realized that you just need to dial it in a bit differently. It still works the BBE magic, you just need to use the controls a bit more conservatively.


    • #3
      My experiences are about the same. I used a 422A for a while until it finally died. I replaced it with a 482i and I am very happy with it when I use it. I notice only a subtle difference in sound between the 422 and 482.


      • #4
        Well, this is been hashed and rehashed, but.............

        I've owned a crapload of them since they were introduced, starting with an early 401 or 411? And the 422 is the nicest sounding one I've used for guitar. I bought the later ones hoping they'd improved (and they probably did), but for guitar they sounded fizzier and more brittle. Sold all but the 422 and the first one, because it was just odd.

        Talked with a guy from BBE a long time ago and he agreed the 422 worked better for gitar racks, and that the later ones were more oriented towards PA and recording.

        I used their software plugin and it was pretty cool tho.


        • #5
          I've got the Sonic Stomp in the loop of my 6505+, sounds ace.


          • #6
            I've also got a 482 for my guitar rig and I couldn't go back. Haven't looked them up in a while, so I don't know what the latest, greatest model is available. Suffice it to say that, if that one ever dies...I'll be plunking my money down on another one without hesitation. Good luck on your quest. Happy New Year!


            • #7
              I've got a 482i, an 882i for my racks and a Stomp for my Surf rig. All work fantastic.
              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


              • #8
                But.... You people that are running the later unit that are all happy w/them.... Have you ever used the 422?


                • #9
                  My 422a died on me a few months back... So in my quest for a new one, I ended up going with the 362. I did notice a difference in sound, but a little tweaking on the knobs got it to where I was happy, and can live with it


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                    But.... You people that are running the later unit that are all happy w/them.... Have you ever used the 422?
                    Err, Ahh, No. The new ones sound great in my racks and I get the same effect with my stomp going in the front end of my Showman amps. Do they even make the 422 anymore?

                    Ah, just answered my own question. No 422 anymore.
                    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                    • #11
                      No, 442's are out of production.

                      It's lo-fi sorta compared to the new ones. Probably why it works ok for guitar and the limited freq range.

                      Mostly, the dude at BBE told me they changed the algorythm in the newer ones, and they analyze the freqs differently.

                      For PA and recording, the new ones are better I'm sure.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                        But.... You people that are running the later unit that are all happy w/them.... Have you ever used the 422?
                        Re-read post #2

                        I had to turn the settings back a bit and the lo end contour seems to react a bit differently, but overall I like it. I sent my 422A back to the factory for service and they sent it back to me "fixed" but it still had the exact same issue. I've never bothered to send it back again but I should.
                        Last edited by Rupe; 01-02-2009, 08:51 PM.


                        • #13
                          Im still pissed that i let the one go on the Classifieds last month for $75!
                          I knew i would regret it...but NO! I had to let 5 or 6 days go by, and
                          then "Sold"... Crap!


                          • #14
                            Robert you have been Pm'd


                            • #15
                              Music-go -round stores always have them in stock 50 75 bucks all day long.
                              I used the 422A for a long time worked great.
                              Really? well screw Mark Twain.

