I just received this pre-amp last week and am very impressed with it. It has slots for 4 modules and each module has 2 channels. Each module has 2 12AX7 tubes in it. I got the VX and SL2 modules.
I have not been this excited about a piece of gear for a long time. And I still have 2 open slots to fill.
VX (VOX) Module:
Channel A is the cleaner channel and has great chime and high end sparkle. Tom Petty would like it.
Channel B has more gain and goes from slight breakup to rock leads. U2 and Beatles and rock tones. Has enough gain for rock leads.
SL2 Module:
Channel A is Marshall JCM800. Thick and full, Angus to classic rock.
Channel B is hot rodded 80's Marshall. High gain with great thick tone and harmonics. The best lead tone of any amp I've owned.
Pre Amp

SL2 Module
I have not been this excited about a piece of gear for a long time. And I still have 2 open slots to fill.
VX (VOX) Module:
Channel A is the cleaner channel and has great chime and high end sparkle. Tom Petty would like it.
Channel B has more gain and goes from slight breakup to rock leads. U2 and Beatles and rock tones. Has enough gain for rock leads.
SL2 Module:
Channel A is Marshall JCM800. Thick and full, Angus to classic rock.
Channel B is hot rodded 80's Marshall. High gain with great thick tone and harmonics. The best lead tone of any amp I've owned.
Pre Amp

SL2 Module
