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So I finally succumbed to it and bought one.

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  • So I finally succumbed to it and bought one.

    Well to be honest with you guys I wasn't really into modelling amps and that hype that was surrounding the thing. But having used my Line 6 Toneport interface and Gearbox moddeling software has been a very helpful tool in me recording songs and demos for songs for my band.

    Add to the fact that I saw a lot of Line 6 hardware being used in studios and on stage, I had to admit that the resulting sounds those people who were using them were getting also helped me into believing that the hype was based on solid evidence rather than just hot air on it being "The next big thing"

    So when I went to the Musicstore in Cologne Germany last week, with every intention to buy myself a Gibson melody Maker and with enough money in my pocket to actually do so, I quickly got side tracked and instead decided to check out that jellybean shaped box of wonders that everybody is getting so crazy about. The POD.

    And as luck would have it, they had a second hand example for sale. But not just any second hand POD, that particullar POD was one of THESE.

    A POD mk2 in limited edition Chrome, for only 90 bucks. To make a long story short, 90 bucks later it was mine.

    Today I took it to the band rehearsal and I was blown away by the sound I got when plugging it into the desk. It sounded so convincing that I had to make sure that I really wasn't playing the Marshall halfstack of the rehearsal room. The others were equally impressed, our sound guy said that this would make recording sessions for our first album so much easier, no miking needed, no need for bringing in different amps for different timbres.

    The only naggles I have with the POD is that it takes away the interaction between guitar and amp, you can't let it howl in feedback like and amp does, and the tiny black letters on the Chromed surface are a bitch to read.

    So I am planning to take my POD on the road and to use it as my back up should my amp die on me, it has proven itself a helpful tool and it gives me an opportunity to set some money aside to buy myself a fender tweed amp.

  • #2
    i love my POD 2.0. i use it a lot in the studio, in conjunction with mic'd amps. i blend it in the mix a little more upfront to give the guitars more "beef".

    that chrome one looks cool!!

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


    • #3
      I had a POD 2.0 and sold it after a few months. To each his own, I guess


      • #4
        I've got the rackmount Pro version. It's pretty handy. That model gives me a SPDIF output for a digital connection to my PC. The knobs are a pain to sync up I will say. If you use the deep editing software you can bypass that whole mess.
        "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
        - Ken M


        • #5
          i drank the kool-aid 5 years ago. for home and recording, the POD is tops. the xt with the usb connection is better for connectivity ease.
          Blank yo!


          • #6
            I picked up an X3 Live in November (my first modeling anything). The amp stays at home now since I plug straight into the board at practice. The rest of the band and our sound guy are amazed how big it sounds. I was VERY skeptical at first, but I think it's a keeper. Their website is a bit of a downer though - it seems only people with problems go there, so it's a lot of BS to wade through.

            '86 Model 1
            '87 Model 2
            '88 Model 3A
            '88 Model 3DR
            '06 TMZ Mahogany Natural


            • #7
              When I was a kid, I saved up for 16 months to buy a Marshall head, another 7 months for a digital delay and a tube screamer, and I found some old Sun 4x12's in a pawnshop for $180 each and I had an pretty OK sound.

              Now I have an 18 watt atomic with a pod X3 in it and I love it. I am a convert. I have access to more cool gear than I could ever afford in my life in that little box. If I cant get a sound out of that, I need to quit playing.


              • #8
                That chrome one looks way cool.


                • #9
                  I love the POD's played with an X3 live and liked it too.Sold off those.
                  But I still love and use my 2002 Johnson J-station.The J's British stack and the rectified settings are just so damn good.The J's Fender black face setting is by far the best of any modeller I've tried.Huge tone.
                  The Behringer V-tone and V-ampire kick ass too IMO.
                  Blazer be real careful picking out a melody maker get one that the neck is actually put in straight.I went thru about 6 at the store before I found a good one.
                  I have a white one and love it, absolute monster of a guitar.
                  I installed an RS upgrade kit and swapped out the Gibby single coil and put in a Duncan Lil 59' and it rocks.
                  Last edited by straycat; 01-07-2009, 03:21 AM.
                  Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                  • #10
                    I have a POD 2.0 in the apartment and it works great on the road. I was considering upgrading but I'm pretty happy with the tones, and I'm not really big into editting. I'm pretty happy with the presets.


                    • #11
                      My practice amp at home is collecting dust because I have a POD 2.3 hooked up to my comp... it's just so convenient, sounds nice over my monitor boxes and if I have a riff idea, I'm ready to record with exactly four clicks of the mouse.
                      However, it wouldn't be able to replace my ENGLs in the rehearsal room... no way!

