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Bu F'n Gera!

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  • Bu F'n Gera!

    Got my 333XL. It actually came yesterday, but it was frigid out, I felt sick as hell (too much hot food for lunch) and I had no heat (propane)for the rehearsal space, so I was gonna wait till practice on Friday to test her out with my good cabs. Well, practice got postponed till Saturday because Susan Bray (Nathan Bray who died trying to save Dime at Alarosa Villa is her son) is coming into town for a visit and we're gonna make a party jam out of the night. So I'd been sitting here all night bored out of my skull and could wait no longer, and hooked it up to my 2x12 Jackson "red cone" cab and my KVPro with Mustaine Livewires.

    First off, the amp is really good looking in person. Yes there is plastic (knobs, the chrome on front and a few other things) but is very sturdy. The pots are all very smooth and solid feeling. Weighs about 60lbs. The footswitch is metal and seems really beefy.

    Sound - Let's start by saying THIS AMP IS LOUD AS HELL!!!!!! It knocks the pants off my 5150 and may be the loudest amp I've ever owned.

    The clean channel is pristine. Almost makes you forget this is a high gain amp. All the tone pots are highly responsive. Very warm and lively, and once I added a bit of reverb it got extremely Rivera-esque. Serious thumbs up.

    The crunch channel reminds me a lot of my Laney with a bit more tonal sweep in the eq and once you push the "xl" button it gets very brown sounding....Kiss of Death Lynch like. I was very suprised by this as I expected it to be AC/DCish but it's not at all. It's got more gain range than expected as far so great.

    The lead channel is absolutely BRUTAL. Again way more usable range than my 5150 ever had, but I don't ever see me using THAT much gain.....If I wanted to tho, I could. Unlike the 5150 which falls apart with the gain past 1 o'clock the sound stays tight and together. There was a bit of hiss at high gain setting, but when I turned the noise gate to about 12 o'clock it just goes away....and the tone didn't change at all. Did I mention that this thing if f'n LOUD AS HELL???? Then I pushed the XL button. The bottom end got so punchy I was afraid I was gonna blow my speakers but they held up well and once I got my nerve up I jammed out a few Megadeth and Pantera riffs. I don't know how to explain the feeling other than it is the perfect tone for what I do...metal rhythm. Again, the tone knobs have a wide sweep and are very responsive. I don't scoop the mids as I like a cross between the honky Mustaineish mids with the low end growl of Dime's sound, but scooped it sounds like those who like that scooped sound want their amp to sound. I don't use effects so the loop is just being used for the "Boost" feature which is like a kick in the nuts when you engage it. Extremely versatile for sure. I ask myself, "How much did this thing cost?" Well worth the price and more. Can't wait to put it up against my other guitarist's VHT Ultralead that's been burying me in the mix since my 5150 went down. That's gonna be interesting for sure. So far I love this amp!

    I'll write another review after a couple band situation trials, but I really can't imagine my opinion changing much if at all. But so far it gets a huge 2 thumbs up!

    Bugera's made a believer out of me for sure. I'll take pics and chasis pics when I get the nerve to take it apart....might be a while though since I'm gonna be a little giddy about it for the forseeable future.
    Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

    Check out the new band at -

  • #2
    Wow, your excitement really comes through in that post there, dude!

    Good to hear from you.
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #3
      You too, Ron! Where did you do disappear to (I probably just completely missed the reason, while the entire rest of the forum knows), only to sneakily reappear as a Platinum Member!


      • #4
        Originally posted by RacerX View Post
        Wow, your excitement really comes through in that post there, dude!

        Good to hear from you.
        I hear ya! It's been a long while since I liked my tone....this is gonna be fun!
        Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

        Check out the new band at -


        • #5
          Awesome news! There's a 333XL combo at the local Music-Go-Round, so I had an idea you'd like it! Everybody has their speculations about these amps, but they sound great and there's no doubt about that!
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            I'll tell you what, from what I can see so far, if there were any issues with the early batches they've obviously fixed the bugs. Build quality seems to be pretty good if you ask me.
            Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

            Check out the new band at -


            • #7
              any chance of recording some samples? always wondered what it sounds like but can't find a good demo, or if anyone knows some good Youtube videos that'd be great too
              USA Jackson RR1
              Charvel Model 6
              Jackson Performer-2
              Orange Dark Terror
              EVH 5150 LBX
              Hello Senòr


              • #8
                I tried one out not last time I was in Sam Ash. Pretty impressive sounding head.
                Prosecutors will be violated...


                • #9
                  part 2

                  Pretty hungover as I type this, but not too many details tonally for right now as I'm a little cloudy and didn't get too much time to tweak. I got to the room and there were already like 20 people there (had about 50 there when we played....SMALL room for that many) so I knew I didn't have much time to tweak because at a party excessive noodling tends to get annoying. Had my other guitarist play my KV2T thru it for about 5 minutes while I tweaked the knobs to what I wanted and find a decent volume for un-mic'd live play. I found a tone I thought was really good by itself then waited another hour till my bassist got out of work for our set.

                  Once we started playing, at the same level of volumes it hung with my other guitarist's VHT Ultralead and actually cut thru better. He was tweaking his knobs all night....he never does that. I got many comments on it afterwards from every guitar player/musician in the room. Bugera is obviously for real in the tone game. We'll see on longevity, so far so great!
                  Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

                  Check out the new band at -


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by VoiceX3 View Post
                    Pretty hungover as I type this, but not too many details tonally for right now as I'm a little cloudy and didn't get too much time to tweak. I got to the room and there were already like 20 people there (had about 50 there when we played....SMALL room for that many) so I knew I didn't have much time to tweak because at a party excessive noodling tends to get annoying. Had my other guitarist play my KV2T thru it for about 5 minutes while I tweaked the knobs to what I wanted and find a decent volume for un-mic'd live play. I found a tone I thought was really good by itself then waited another hour till my bassist got out of work for our set.

                    Once we started playing, at the same level of volumes it hung with my other guitarist's VHT Ultralead and actually cut thru better. He was tweaking his knobs all night....he never does that. I got many comments on it afterwards from every guitar player/musician in the room. Bugera is obviously for real in the tone game. We'll see on longevity, so far so great!
                    Ok, so I'm here to talk about longevity. So I've now had this amp for 7 years and 18 days and all I can say is that this thing has more than earned it's keep! I recently switched to a single stereo cab setup (4 x G12K85) wired at 8 ohms per side for a total output of 4ohms. My other guitar player plays thru a Mesa Mark IV and my tone compliments and also kicks it ass as far as cut thru in the mix.

                    Anybody who tells you these amps are crap is just a snob and has never really used one of these to their full potential. I would seriously think about a Bogner Uberschall if the opportunity arose, but this thing is way more versatile because the clean channel is Rivera-like clean. The Crunch channel is very Marshallesque and the high gain channel? Hold on to your socks! Damn thing is still super LOUD!!!!!!

                    Five Stars!

                    With the prices these things are going at, it's foolish not to pick one up!!!!!
                    Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

                    Check out the new band at -


                    • #11
                      very cool, man. I'd say the honeymoon is well over. That's a testament to its longevity
                      Hail yesterday

