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need amp advice...

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  • need amp advice...

    Hi all –
    Looking to get a new amp and have decided down to the following:

    Peavey Valveking 112
    Blackstar HT-5

    I play at home, am looking for a two channel amp, and play mostly 80’s metal. I currently have the vox ad15 so I do not want another modeling amp (I’d just keep the one I have right now).

    Any thoughts? The vk112 is overkill for home playing but has reverb and independent eq for both channels unlike the blackstar. But the blackstar is 5 watts, all-tube (?) and has a nice distortion channel.

    Thanks in advance

    Kiesel Aries
    Charvel USA Wild Card #3
    EVH 5150 iii 50W, 1x12" EVH w/ Celestion Lynchback, Boss RV-3

  • #2
    I haven't tried either but I have looked into both lately. If you want a bedroom level amp your not going to want the peavey. with 50 watts you are going to have to turn it up really load to get a good sound from those tubes. If the blackstar was in stock I would already have one.LOL. If you want a tube amp that has a higher wattage look for one that has the knob that reduces the watts used.
    If country of origin makes a difference on the two that you are looking at, the blackstar is made in Korea and the peavy is made in China.


    • #3
      What's your budget? (I don't know how much the two you mentioned are and too lazy to look em up)
      Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


      • #4
        I was looking at the Blackstar HT-5 simply because it has three miniature tubes. I'm thinking about making my low-watt amps
        smaller in physical size.
        I have a couple of 12BH7's to play with too.

        What about the HT-5 combo?


        • #5
          I have a behringer amp i know there not the best in the wolrd but i bought it off of a friend for 20 bucks and it does great at bedroom levels but when I need to play loud I just plug into my computer and use the mixer i have installed to get the sound im looking for.


          • #6
            Hi there. For the past 20+ years I have been using a Peavey Backstage Plus. It is a solid state and only has one channel, but it still rocks. I've just started running a MT-2 Metal Zone through it and it is just bone crushing. However, because of it's age, I have started to look at new amps. I did not want anything that all the modeling stuff on the as I like to get my own sound. The first one I ran across was this series: It seems like it has some variability and you can find them at good prices when on sale. The 25 watt runs about $250+. The other amp, of course, is another Peavey. Here are some suggestions,

            If interested, here is the amp I am using: This makes me sad. When I bought mine it was around $200 in the day. There are many others of course, but this is just a couple I have looked at. Good hunting.
            Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift; that's why it is called the present.

