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Delay/Reverb effects?

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  • Delay/Reverb effects?

    What are your favorite delays and reverbs out there? Do you prefer the multi-effects pedals or racks units that have delay/reverb patches, or do you like the individual pedals/rack units that are solely dedicated to those 2 effects?

    Here's the deal. I've been playing through my 5150 a LOT lately. As of right now, I just plug the guitar into the front of the amp with a BBE 422 in the loop. That's it. But I've been getting some rightous tone out of that minimalist set-up. However, I like a little reverb/echo/delay. Not a lot of effects, just something really subtle.

    I've been told that the 5150 doesn't handle multi-effects units very well, except for the G-Major which apparently that amp loves. Most guys who have a 5150 tell me to go the pedal route. I don't know if I would use 1/4 of the effects that the G-Major has to offer. Maybe I'll pick one up someday. But for right now, I think I might look at the individual units dedicated solely to delay/reverb.

    Any advice?

  • #2
    I have a Holier Grail that works wonders. The only thing I do not like about it is that it has a proprietary power supply.
    Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


    • #3
      I did have a digitech rp250 but i traded it in on some boss pedals and the quality of the sound is much better


      • #4
        Currently running two delays: a Boss DD-2 and an MXR carbon copy. I use the boss for longer delays (Brian May or "Cathedral" type stuff) and the MXR for short, more ambient delays. Seems to work fine for me. In the past I have found that I lost patience with the rackmount stuff. I never wanted to take the time to program. I would end up with 3 or 4 presets and that's it. Though I never had an issue with the sound of these units, they were always fine (Rockton Intellifex, TC M-one) in that regard... Guess I was just lazy.



        • #5
          Grail reverb, MXR carbon copy delay...


          • #6
            If you go the pedal route, check out the Eventide TimeFactor. It has a switch that allows you to use it up front as instrument level or in the loop by switching it to line level. You can store multiple presets for different songs and it can be true bypass so you can still have that righteous minimalist tone you already have when its not in use And of course the sounds are Eventide quality. I'm waiting till they release their Harmonizer pedal which should be coming up soon, going to add that one to my board.


            • #7
              Well, I'm not a pedal guy by any means, tried them all, but I still go back to the Gmajor. The money you spend on this pedal and that pedal, you can have them ALL with the Gmajor. It's a stupid clean unit and really focuses on what you're looking for. You won't be disappointed... If you do end up getting one, i'll be glad to come by and help you out and get you started with it. Makes sure there's plenty of beer tho... It's a rough economy, I WILL work for beer!
              Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


              • #8
                I recently got the digitech hardwire reverb and delay and have been happy with both. I had the delays down to the hardwire and the carbon copy but the addition of the looper pushed me over to the hardwire. I mainly use it in the analog setting though which is a simulation of an analog unit. The reverb is one of the best reverbs I've heard but I haven't used any of the high end rack stuff. The reverb pedal sounds very good but I don't like spring style reverbs and that is what a lot of other pedals try to emulate.


                • #9
                  Get the Gmajor and call it a day.

                  For $350-$400 you can have all the pedals you'll ever need. Or you can go out and buy one, two, three pedals, etc for the same price, or a bit less, depending on what you get. With all of the rigs I've had and fx processors etc I don't even look elsewhere, the Gmajor does everything you need, cept for distortion, but you've got that covered.

                  I've got some pedals laying around somewhere you can use/try if you want. I know a delay and a chorus, not sure what else, but I'll look. Let me know if you want to check em out.
                  Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


                  • #10
                    I have heard a lot of good things about that unit, one of these days I have to try a rack unit. I think I saw something recently about a g major 2. Do you know what the changes are? Might be a good time to pick up a version 1 cheap.


                    • #11
                      The main thing that is keeping me from buying a G Major is that I'm such a minimalist when it comes to effects. I plug straight into the amp, and a little delay is about all I ever use. And, I'm pretty much a set and forget kind of guy. I'll dial it in to get a nice little decay, and leave it there for years. I don't use chorus, flange, pitch shifting, wah, etc. So I'm just afraid that the G Major is going to be a bit of overkill.

                      I've got a buddy whose dad owns a guitar shop south of me. I'm planning on going down there Friday evening if I get out of the office early enough. He uses his G Major through his JSX and 5150 combo, so I'm going to try and pick his brain on the wonderful world of effects.

                      Thanks a bunch for the opinions, guys. And Pat, thanks for the offers. I might just take you up on them sometime here in the future.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mjtripper View Post
                        I have heard a lot of good things about that unit, one of these days I have to try a rack unit. I think I saw something recently about a g major 2. Do you know what the changes are? Might be a good time to pick up a version 1 cheap.
                        My understanding and hopefully someone that visited the booth at NAMM can pipe in here, but the GMajor 2 is basically the same as the legacy, but it's much more user friendly, which in turn would be a new learning process for those who know the legacy GMajor, it is a bit tricky at first, but once you learn a few things, it's a piece of cake to learn the ins and outs.

                        Trav, what shop are you talking about?

                        And also, taking what you said about setting it and forgetting it, is right up the Gmajor's alley (or any fx proc for that matter) with pedals, you're always going to bump a knob here and there.
                        Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


                        • #13
                          Fazio's down on Manchester and 141. The owner's son, Dan is a student over at Logan College and was in one of the classes I taught during my last year. Helluva nice guy and a pretty good guitar player. He was doing the whole cover/bar band thing for a while and he's getting ready to go into the studio to cut an album here pretty quickly.

                          He ran me through some Rivera amps a while back and I was "this" close to buying one of the models that was factory modded for their shop. It was the most amazing 1x12 I've ever played, nailed the early EVH thing to a T. If I hadn't found my Hamer Talladega right at the same time, I probably would have bought the amp.


                          • #14
                            Ahhhh Fazio's Frets and Friends... Old times there man! I REALLY wanted one of the EBMM EVH's when they "first" came out and I couldn't afford $500, much less $1800 at the time... LOL

                            Mike's a GREAT guy! I've bought some stuff from him over the years and he's top notch!

                            I remember I was looking at the Dean Markley Hybrid's back in the day (had to be 15+yrs ago) and I brought my Rhoads in (USA pearl yellow/black bevs, bought from that shack down in.... shit, what was the town, MM and 21?!?) and I was wailing on something or another and there was a handful of people around asking where I got the guitar, (well, it wasn't from there, but Mike was a Jackson dealer at the time, hell everyone was in some manner, lol) and I simply said Mike can order one for you. I didn't know he was standing right behind me, but it didn't matter. I never did say where it came from and the shop I did get it from had at least 10 customs at the time, well, production then, 89/90/91, so you know the deal. But Mike grabbed me aside afterwards and thanked me for those words and we've had this "thing" ever since, he's a great guy and does a lot for the community. I remember when he was in the old shop with the wooden floors and porch, cool place.

                            Tell him I said hi if you see him!

                            Whatever happened to Dave there? He was family wasn't he?
                            Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


                            • #15
                              Ive recently added the Gmajor to my rig...with the GT-10 Boss floor unit.
                              I just found a patch that i love...set it up with the right reverb/Delay
                              and i switch it on, with the GT-10. So it's "all set" and no tweaking..
                              When i floor select my clean channel, it automatically brings in the G'
                              and it's GOD LIKE! I hardly ever touch my G Major...set and forget.
                              They can be found for $250.00 used. Get one!

