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new to me Splawn Pro-Stock

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  • new to me Splawn Pro-Stock

    I picked this amp up from P I K A in a trade deal. I had never owned one before but heard and played FirebirdV's (Chris). I am using this with my Genz Benz Tribal cabinet.

    I like the sound of it. Sounds to me just like a Marshall 800 with just a bit more gain. Not over the top, but enough for most of the stuff my band plays. If I need more gain, I have a couple pedals to push it with.

    I am not in love with the 800 style head shell so I ordered a Plexi style from Scott Splawn this morning.

    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

  • #2
    Looks great...I like the way that head shell matches the cab.


    • #3
      The cab matches perfect actually!


      • #4
        Congrats! Welcome to the Splawn club (QR and straight 4x12 owner here)


        • #5
          I think its that small Splawn logo on that giant grill cloth. A plexi cab will look better.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
            Congrats! Welcome to the Splawn club (QR and straight 4x12 owner here)
            Cool. I have a PM and a Nitro.


            • #7
              Thanks all. Yeah, the head shell matches the cab nice, I just prefer the old style plexi shell. I ordered the plexi shell with white piping so it will match the cab too.
              Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

