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So frustrated trying to deal with amps and guitars.

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  • So frustrated trying to deal with amps and guitars.

    I dunno, maybe I'm going through another bout of depression, but I'm getting pissed off and frustrated trying to get shit together. My goals are simple. I need 2 complete rigs, one for home, and one for wherever we practice. For one rig, I was completely set. I have my JCM900 with a Boss EQ in the loop, and an SD-1 in front, and it will do everything from AC/DC rock, to everything but the most extreme brootalz. Great right? Well then I had one of the tubes in it melt down, and I had to put new tubes in it, and bias the fucker, and I couldn't get the two tubes biased close enough for my liking. I think it's okay though, but I don't feel good about it.

    So, I'm trying to get another rig together that serves my needs. I started with my B-52 AT-100 that I've practiced and gigged with for at least 2 years. Well, I traded it for a Laney Pro Tube 50. When I got the Laney, I hated it. It sounded fucking awful IMO, plus, the effects loop was modded, and done badly. You couldn't turn the gain up on the amp without it sounding like pure shit. So, I took it to my amp tech, who put the effects loop back to stock, and made sure it was working 100%. That cost me $100, and I still hated it. Too grainy. Too harsh. Not enough gain. Very dull sounding. Thinking back now, I think the only reason I got rid of the B-52 was because I was nervous about it crapping out on me at a show.

    So anyway, having given up on the Laney, I bought a Carlsbro 50 Top off Ebay. I bought it based on a clip I heard on Youtube. When it finally arrived, I was pretty happy. It has more than enough gain on tap. It's got pretty much all the features I need, and it sounds good...mostly. It's one of those amps that has a very narrow sweet spot. With the right guitar, the right EQ settings, and the right volume it sounds fucking heavenly. However, it does seem to have a fair amount of hum, and sometimes (maybe it's in my head) I feel like it has a little bit of a harsh top end thing going on. Sometimes I hear it, but sometimes I don't. Then while I was doing the bias on the Marshall, I decided to check the bias on the Carlsbro. Well for some weird reason I can't get a proper reading from the second tube socket. The first tube reads right within the desirable range, but the second tube reads zero with the probe, and 11mA with the external bias points. I don't understand, because the tube looks like it's working the same as the other one. The amp sounds right except for the hum, so what the fuck is with this? So now I have this amp that I sort of love/maybe hate, with something potentially wrong with it.

    On top of all this, I just got a 1980 Les Paul Deluxe with no pickups. I bought a Seymour Duncan SM-2 for the bridge, and a Gibson MHR for the neck, and gave the guitar a fret level and crown. I got the SD because it's high output, especially for a mini, but it sounds thin, tinny, and weak. I didn't want to route a somewhat rare ebony Deluxe for full size hums, but I might have to. It's pretty bad when my $400 Xaviere sounds 100 times better than my Gibson. No joke, it seriously puts it to shame.

    Anyway, sorry that this is such a long post. I'm just exasperated, and annoyed. I guess I'll have to take the Carlsbro to my tech, and I don't know if I'm going to keep it. I'm thinking about trying a Rivera Knucklehead 55 next. I've liked the clips I've heard. I really don't enjoy buying and selling gear anymore. I just want stuff that I'm happy with.
    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!

  • #2
    I hear ya, man. I've lost several thousand dollars buying and selling just to get what I want. We need to be Buddhists ... GAS equals suffering. Eliminate GAS, eliminate suffering.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by thetruthguy View Post
      I hear ya, man. I've lost several thousand dollars buying and selling just to get what I want. We need to be Buddhists ... GAS equals suffering. Eliminate GAS, eliminate suffering.
      I don't even care about the money at this point. I just want to be able to turn on my amp, plug in my guitar, and play, without having stupid problems, and be happy with the sound I'm getting.
      Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


      • #4
        I had a month long vacation in December. During a 2 day period I had the following things fail on me:

        1) My car battery completely died and the car only had 3600 miles on it at the time.
        2) My PC's OS got corrupted so I was without a PC for 4 days. No surfing the net, reading JCF posts or playing any games.
        3) My cell phone's vibrate function stop working. I missed quite a few phone calls before I noticed.
        4) My TC Electronic G Major started malfunctioning which meant my living room practice rig was useless.

        It never rains, it friggin' pours.


        • #5
          Originally posted by zeegler View Post
          On top of all this, I just got a 1980 Les Paul Deluxe with no pickups. I bought a Seymour Duncan SM-2 for the bridge, and a Gibson MHR for the neck, and gave the guitar a fret level and crown. I got the SD because it's high output, especially for a mini, but it sounds thin, tinny, and weak. I didn't want to route a somewhat rare ebony Deluxe for full size hums, but I might have to.
          What about looking at Dimarzio for the mini-hums?


          • #6
            i kinda know how you feel on the amp, i have a roadster which i absolutely love.....about 80% of the time, the other 20 im fucking around with EVERYTHING cause its shit and i hear every little fizz/buzz, and then i lose that sweet spot and spend like a week finding it, and then its all good for another couple of weeks , but id never trade it for anything cause its DaBrOOtalz.


            • #7
              You have to turn it around in your mind zeegs.
              Make it a fun quest for tone in your noggin' instead of a frustration.
              And don't be in a hurry, you'll get there quicker.

              Zen and the art of the perfect tone

              or something

              "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


              • #8
                If you are happy with the JC900 / EQ and SD1 why not just get another one for home/rehearsal. Nothing wrong with having two of the same rigs. If one takes a dump at a gig you have the same tone/back up right?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Firebird V View Post
                  If you are happy with the JC900 / EQ and SD1 why not just get another one for home/rehearsal. Nothing wrong with having two of the same rigs. If one takes a dump at a gig you have the same tone/back up right?
                  Well, to be honest, that was my original idea, but I decided it would be better to try something different. Who knows, I might find something I like better.
                  Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                  • #10
                    Zeeg, I feel your pain. I was an amp and guitar whore for more years than I would admit. Constantly searching for the tone I hear in my head.

                    Lets start with the easy stuff first. The LP.
                    Your pickup selection is spot on. It must be the wiring. Check that out.

                    Regarding the Laney. Your description is exactly what its supposed to sound like. Its a good quality sound, could use a little more gain and is on the grainy side with not alot of character. Believe me.. its good.. just not the tone for you. Sell or trade it. Its fantastic trade bait.
                    I have no comment on the Carlsboro. Don't know anything about them.

                    If money isn't an object and you love the sound of the JCM900 that you got from me you should look at Soldano. A Soldano will give you a deluxe version of everything you like about the JCM900. Tons more gain, clearer, louder, tighter, more of everything. Sure.... you are going to pay for it but believe you me... an SLO100 or even a HOT ROD 50+ will give you what you need.
                    You could also look at a Mesa Boogie Mark III purple stripe. It will also give you what you might be looking for. Of course there is also Splawn but you really have to pick the right one.
                    I think its time to have a clearance sale and get rid of all your amps except the 900. Keep that one.


                    • #11
                      I know its not always practical but I always rehearsed with what I used live. Its not that difficut to move an amp head aroud, from rehersal, home to has a handle on it Or just get another 900 as mentioned.

                      I think most of the time tone is mental, especially after you feel you found it and all of a sudden its different or driving you insane trying to get it what what you heard before it is totaly understandable and normal. Tone is so personal to the players ears. I dont know how dudes can take gigs with house amps that they never played before, I could never o that and feel comfortable about it


                      • #12
                        Getting that perfect tone can be pretty tricky because there are so many variables. Besides concentrating on the head make sure you have speakers that will get you what you want. I had a cab with 75w Celestions and I bought an old Marshall cab with 25w Celestions. That made a huge difference right there. Then I picked up a Mesa Boogie single rectifier head and I've been tickled pick with that setup. I can play any type of music and it sounds awesome. The other thing that made a big difference for me at least for metal tone is changing out the stock Jackson humbucker in my Soloist to and EMG81. It all makes a difference. I also have a Laney AOR head and it's good depending on what type of music you play. For a lot of sizzle you're going to have to use effects. The Laney has that British tone since it has EL34's. I would stop chasing your tail with taking stuff in for tweaking. Get the good shit and be done.


                        • #13
                          And this is why I love my rack stuff. It can do both live and home stuff - raging power amperage or headphones, I get a sound I like.

                          Yes, they're a pain to set up, but once you save a setting, it's plug-n-play just like "guitar-cord-amp". Plug in, turn on, play.
                          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                          My Blog:


                          • #14
                            Boy, I was really in a funk when I wrote that. I feel a little better now.

                            John, I didn't intend to portray the Laney as a piece of junk. I realize that many, many people really like them, and I've heard clips that sounded good. Sometimes an amp doesn't mesh too well with a certain player's style. Some guys really choke up on their strings, whereas others play loosely. For whatever reason, the Laney did not work well with my style. I hope the new owner gets along with it. It's on its way to another JCF bro as we speak.

                            Also, I know what you're saying about the Soldanos. Every time I hear a clip, I know that I should get one. I've been trying to get along without blowing a ton of cash, because my wife gives me grief as it is. I have been so close to grabbing an Avenger or Hot Rod, but something else always came along. Same deal with the Yamaha T50/T100 which is probably the best idea if you want a Soldano on a budget.

                            Like I said, there's always the Rivera option too. The older Knucklehead 55 or 100 can be had for around $700-800 on Ebay all the time, and I really like all the clips I've heard.

                            Anyway, I've just been playing the Carlsbro again, and gatdam it sounds good. If I can sort out the hum, and the bias issue, I'll be totally happy with it.

                            The LP is wired correctly for sure, but I'm going to try some different caps in it. I originally wired it temporarily with the brdige pickup to a volume, straight to the output. I was waiting for my pots and knobs to arrive before I wired it up properly. I seem to remember that it sounded better like that than it does now. So, I'll try a .047 cap first (it has a .0223 in it at the moment). I might check Ebay for some old bumble bees, or some paper and oil caps.
                            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Newc View Post
                              And this is why I love my rack stuff. It can do both live and home stuff - raging power amperage or headphones, I get a sound I like.

                              Yes, they're a pain to set up, but once you save a setting, it's plug-n-play just like "guitar-cord-amp". Plug in, turn on, play.
                              I have never gone with a rack, but I keep saying that one day, I'm just gonna sack up and do it.
                              Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


