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Pedal chain help

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  • #16
    And I extend my apologies to catzodellamarina for this shameless thread hijack. Sorry man, I hope that any of the information that has been put out has been useful to you.
    I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


    • #17
      I too am a recent stomp box convert. I still don't use them extensively, just to gain some different tone flavors from time to time now that I'm playing covers.
      The thing I've discovered is that when it comes to chain order, there are no real rules. Ya just have to sit down and experiment until you find a combination that works for you. I have a BOSS dual overdrive that I use for Hard rock/metal stuff, and for the more southern rock stuff I use the OD in my amp and have a Turbo Tube Screamer to kick the leads in the butt. I also have a a talk box and a Bad Horsie II at the beginning of the chain, and until last saturdays gig I had a BBE Boosta Grande but I tossed that piece o crap in mid set. I'm always experimenting.
      Last edited by Robert Hendrix; 05-03-2009, 07:57 AM.
      Prosecutors will be violated...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Robert Hendrix View Post
        I too am a recent stomp box convert. I still don't use them extensively, just to gain some different tone flavors from time to time now that I'm playing covers.
        The thing I've discovered is that when it comes to chain order, there are no real rules. Ya just have to sit down and experiment until you find a combination that works for you. I have a BOSS dual overdrive that I use for Hard rock/metal stuff, and for the more southern rock stuff I use the OD in my amp and have a Turbo Tube Screamer to kick the leads in the butt. I also have a a talk box and a Bad Horsie II at the beginning of the chain, and until last saturdays gig I had a BBE Boosta Grande but I tossed that piece o crap in mid set. I'm always experimenting.
        What didn't you like about the Boosta Grande? I almost decided on one of those as opposed to another overdrive to use as a boost.
        I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bombtek View Post
          Not to thread hijack, but what if your amp does not come equipped with an effects loop? I've seen some pedals out there that are kind of intriguing....check this one out

          Yeah I know no name brand, but I've been having good luck with some of them.

          Anyways, I know no matter what, on my amp, every pedal will be in front of everything. But will this pedal help me out? Or will it just be a useless addition to my now rather large and crowded pedalboard?

          Here are your choices if you don't have an effects loop and you want to use a delay pedal out in front.
          1. If you have a 1 channel amp you will be ok.
          2. If you have a 2 channel amp (one channel for clean and one for distortion) you will need 2 delay pedals. One needs to be set up for the clean and one needs to be set up for the distortion.
          3. If you have a 2 channel amp (both channels for clean) and you use a distortion pedal out in front you can use 1 delay pedal.


          • #20
            BTW.. for you kiddies wondering how the pro's do it with amps with no effects loops... the effects are routed through the mixing board and then routed to the monitors and PA speakers. This way.. both the player and the crowd can hear the effects. Also... most pro's don't even channel switch their own amps and 99% of them don't even boost themselves for solos. That is all done at the console. Some players don't even use their own wahs.

            I toured all through the 80's and I rarely boosted my own solos once we had a steady soundman. I used Hiwatt single channel heads at the time and the pedals I had on the floor were a tuner, an MXR Distortion +, a Phase 90 and an echoplex. Because I used a distortion pedal I was able to use the echoplex.
            Last edited by jgcable; 05-03-2009, 11:04 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Robert Hendrix View Post
              I too am a recent stomp box convert. I still don't use them extensively, just to gain some different tone flavors from time to time now that I'm playing covers.
              The thing I've discovered is that when it comes to chain order, there are no real rules. Ya just have to sit down and experiment until you find a combination that works for you. I have a BOSS dual overdrive that I use for Hard rock/metal stuff, and for the more southern rock stuff I use the OD in my amp and have a Turbo Tube Screamer to kick the leads in the butt. I also have a a talk box and a Bad Horsie II at the beginning of the chain, and until last saturdays gig I had a BBE Boosta Grande but I tossed that piece o crap in mid set. I'm always experimenting.
              I went back to stomp boxes too. I like picking and choosing different brands and vintages.


              • #22
                Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                What didn't you like about the Boosta Grande? I almost decided on one of those as opposed to another overdrive to use as a boost.
                Mostly poor construction. Damn thing has a bad plug and shorts out. But it doesn't boost my amps overdrive. Needed something to bring me up just a bit for leads, and it works fine with an overdrive pedal feeding into it. But I kinda like the overdrive in my Vox and it doesn't help with that at all. So I'm STILL looking for a way to boost it.
                Prosecutors will be violated...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Robert Hendrix View Post
                  Mostly poor construction. Damn thing has a bad plug and shorts out. But it doesn't boost my amps overdrive. Needed something to bring me up just a bit for leads, and it works fine with an overdrive pedal feeding into it. But I kinda like the overdrive in my Vox and it doesn't help with that at all. So I'm STILL looking for a way to boost it.
                  I'm tellin ya Robert, if you want to boost it and do it cheap, try out the Artec Blues Overdrive. It is an awesome way to boost whatever tone you're already getting out of your rig. You can run it to an almost clean aound on its own, or you can get a really cool overdriven tone out of it. Either way, I've found that it really does boost my tone when using a heavy distortion pedal using a cleaner setting w/ the Artec, or just using my amp's own tube breakup and dirtying it up a bit more by stomping on the artec. It really does the job for me.

                  Oh, and the thing is built like a German pillbox. It'll take a pretty hefty fukkin beating.

                  Hell buy one and if ya don't like it I'll buy it offaya, I like running multiple overdrives in my chain right now LOL.
                  Last edited by bombtek; 05-04-2009, 06:48 AM.
                  I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                  • #24
                    You guys have been busy bees. I had to catch up on my own post! lol

                    I did discover the level issue with the 2 channels. I set the delay nice on the clean channel, using the MetalZone. Then when I switch to the amp's OD channel, the effect is wayyyyy too much up front. My amp has an effects loop but last time I used it, it had level issues. I may try again. I have most of June free to get my tone right.
                    I'm really impressed with the MT2 on the clean channel. It's nailing Mick Mars "Dr. Feelgood" tone and all I was going for was something to cover 3 metal songs. It's gonna be hard not to use that channel so much.

                    BTW - the vintage reissue Phase 90 is a really nice pedal. The sound is so useful & rich compared to the phaser on my G-Major. OK OK.. I'm going to look into a solo boost as discussed here. Anyone tried out the BBE Green Screamer? I'll look into this Artec Blue OD too. Pedal = candy store.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                      I'm tellin ya Robert, if you want to boost it and do it cheap, try out the Artec Blues Overdrive. It is an awesome way to boost whatever tone you're already getting out of your rig. You can run it to an almost clean aound on its own, or you can get a really cool overdriven tone out of it. Either way, I've found that it really does boost my tone when using a heavy distortion pedal using a cleaner setting w/ the Artec, or just using my amp's own tube breakup and dirtying it up a bit more by stomping on the artec. It really does the job for me.

                      Oh, and the thing is built like a German pillbox. It'll take a pretty hefty fukkin beating.

                      Hell buy one and if ya don't like it I'll buy it offaya, I like running multiple overdrives in my chain right now LOL.

                      I'll hafta look into em.. Thanx.
                      Prosecutors will be violated...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by catzodellamarina View Post
                        I did discover the level issue with the 2 channels. I set the delay nice on the clean channel, using the MetalZone. Then when I switch to the amp's OD channel, the effect is wayyyyy too much up front. My amp has an effects loop but last time I used it, it had level issues. I may try again. ...
                        If you can't use the effects loop, these are your options.
                        1. Try the delay before the MetalZone. If the MetalZone is always on with the clean channel, you may be able to get close with both channels.
                        2. If you still need the delay after the MZ, get two delays.
                        3. Or only use the delay for one channel and shut it off when using the other channel.
                        4. Or the new Vox Satriani Time Machine allows you to connect up a volume pedal to control the delay effects level.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by vondran View Post
                          If you can't use the effects loop, these are your options.
                          1. Try the delay before the MetalZone. If the MetalZone is always on with the clean channel, you may be able to get close with both channels.
                          2. If you still need the delay after the MZ, get two delays.
                          3. Or only use the delay for one channel and shut it off when using the other channel.
                          4. Or the new Vox Satriani Time Machine allows you to connect up a volume pedal to control the delay effects level.
                          Other than what you suggested, this is the 1st time I've ever heard anybody saying put a delay before a distortion pedal.

                          I've always run my delay dead last in my chains. Everytime. With or without a two channel amp, an effects loop or not.
                          I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                            Other than what you suggested, this is the 1st time I've ever heard anybody saying put a delay before a distortion pedal.

                            I've always run my delay dead last in my chains. Everytime. With or without a two channel amp, an effects loop or not.
                            Normally I wouldn't suggest it due to the same level problem mentioned earlier in the thread. However, if he's always has the MZ on with the amp clean channel and off with the amp dirty channel, you can possibly get the delay levels consistent between the two.

