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Gigging With A Rebel 20?

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  • Gigging With A Rebel 20?

    My band has a gig coming up shortly and I'm considering using my Egnater Rebel 20, which is an awesome little amp... But one I previously considered solely as a practice/recording rig.

    My normal live rig is a 5150, and I like it, but I used the Rebel 20 at practice last night, and it's winning me over for gigging.

    The guitar sound I go for is similar to Rammstein, and I was surprised that the Egnater got me into that territory.

    I have two basic reasons for considering this change:

    I can crank the Rebel, and it just roars, whereas my Peavey never gets turned up enough at most clubs...It's that same ol story.

    Secondly, the Rebel has an interesting hard rock/old school metal kind of character that blends well with my bands second guitarist.

    Pretty much any club we play at is going to have some sort of pa system, and it means a much smaller rig to carry around.

    So has anyone here actually gigged with the Rebel 20 or a similar small amp in a medium sized club situation? Specifically playing hard rock or metal? I'm just curious how it worked out. My (And my bandmates) other concern is the image issue...Half stacks look "cool", whereas a great big guy (I'm 6'4" and 250 lbs) might look kind of silly...Especially next to the other guitarists gear.

    I told 'em no fear, I can bring enough "rock" to crush any "image problems", but I guess it's a semi-legitimate concern.


  • #2
    if you are going for image go wth the 5150, if you are going for the tone you like... go with the Rebel. I am in a similar situation. We did another gig Friday night, I was able to turn my Mark III up to 2.5. Its ashame. I am going to be trying out gigging with a Tech 21 Trademark 300 as soon as it comes in. At least with SS it doesn't need to be cranked. I am also downsizing to a 2 x 12 Randall cab for most of the smaller or multi band gigs. The Randall cab is a downsized slant cab with an open back. Its loaded with Altec Lansing 300w White Frames. Super rare RR speakers.


    • #3
      take the egnater head and put it on top of the cab you use with the 5150.

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        I gig with a THD Univalve with a 6V6. For those keeping score at home, that's about 8 watts. Only at outdoor gigs do I really need more. I wouldn't mind more power for some indoor gigs where I'm not mic'd, but not even all of them (which is why I'm looking for a 30-50 watt head with a more grindy distortion character).


        • #5
          I think I'm feeling some small amp love here. Thanks everyone!


          • #6
            I'd definately use the Egnator to see what happens! I love all these little tube heads coming out! I'd say that you'll be pleasantly surprised if you do use it.


            • #7
              That's kind of how I'm feeling. If my band agrees, then I'll play it at the show this week. If not, I'll definitely be using it at our next gig.


              • #8
                I don't gig or anything, but just want to say that I have a Rebel 20 as well, and it's a great little amp

                I run it at 1 watt for home practice into my Bogner UberKab.

                - Leo.


                • #9
                  Yeah, the more I play around with mine, the more I realize just how versatile it is.

