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Boss ME-70?

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  • Boss ME-70?

    Here's the boring details to my current situation:

    I am gigging out again for the first time in a long time. Most of my amp and effects settings are for practice and recording levels. I have readjusted most for gig levels and they are OK. Not great but nearly adequate. I am mostly using the Boss GT-Pro in the rack and only use two settings to cover our stuff. That is a heavy rhythm tone and a searing lead tone. Problem is my GT-Pro is picking up radio signals (am talk radio) EVERYWHERE I use it. Annoying!!! Once in a while the signal clears up and all is well. To get around it I have a Metal Zone on the floor w/a DD3 and an ISP noise pedal. But I can not get close to the same lead tone w/that limited setup. I do NOT want to complicate my simple backup pedal chain w/more pedals. PS: I am moving some gear and saving some coin to acquire an AXE FX EVENTUALLY. I can not afford it atm.

    I understand it is kinda working backwards but I need a close backup (or main rig) for the lead tone I get from the GT-Pro. The $$$ spent could/should go towards the AXE FX but that will have to wait. I thought a logical solution MIGHT be to get an ME-70 in the interum. Does anyone have moderate experience w/these? Should I maybe look for a lightly used GT-10 instead?

    Any helpful info would be greatly appreciated. I have a couple weeks to sort this out.
    In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.

  • #2
    Have you swapped out cables? Some bad shielding could be causing the interference.


    • #3
      Yes I have. Aside from my pedal patch cables which are Fender, all of my other cables are Mogami. Not that they can't or will not go bad but they are fine. I have swapped out cables w/other brands of known decent condition and quality. It is definitely the Boss unit picking up the stray signals. Or at least it is amplifying them. My Zoom G9.2tt, my pedals into a tube pre and into the SS amp, and my Carvin V3 are all void of the stray signals. Only when the GT Pro is in the chain does it do it everywhere I take it.

      Just for disclosure, I have said in the past about the radio station so near my house causing odd things to happen. Had to retube a Mesa Stereo 2:Fifty because of it. Problem solved. But I could take that rig anywhere else before I retubed it and did not have the problem. So THAT particular problem is local - close proximity to my house. Not elsewhere. The Boss does worse everywhere. So it needs to go eventually. I just need my lead tone in its closest form (as from the gt pro) in something that isn't an over priced AM radio.

      BTW, thanks for the response and suggestion. But it is not a cable issue.
      In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.


      • #4
        Have you tried a DIFFERENT ME-70? Perhaps your unit has a flaw/defect. [insert pun here]
        semi-automatic hate machine...

