Lately, I've been thinking about picking up a Mark-series Boogie head.
But, I can't pull the trigger, because whatever sane part of me is left knows that I would never use it, and it would just be a waste of money, since I play pretty much 100% direct into a board and monitor with headphones.
But I'm not real happy with the sound of my current setup which is ancient, anyway, so I'm looking for something good for recording, with REALLY good sound quality.
The basic tones I'm looking for are:
1. Good Fender-ish squeaky-clean tone
2. Fender-ish "just breaking up" clean tone
3. British/80's EL34 tone
4. Metal (and I mean METAL!
) 6L6 rhythm tone (Pre-recto, but HEAVY)
Everything would be essentially some slight variations on these, and the only effects I really use are reverb, light delay, a little chorus occasionally.
I'm looking at:
1. Behringer V-Amp Pro ($170-ish)
2. Line6 Pod X3 Pro ($700-ish)
3. Rocktron Voodu Valve ($800-ish)
4. Rocktron Prophesy II ($1200-ish)
5. Axe-FX (basic) ($1500)
Other suggestions?
Obviously there is a large difference in price and probably quality here. The Axe-FX seems to be getting raves and for $1500 it seems it will do just about anything I want, AND about 10,000 more things I don't need. I'm tempted to go for it, but, it might be overkill, but I'm concerned the cheaper units just won't sound as good.
I see a lot of discussion here and there but it's always "Big cranked up tube amp vs..." and for me, the big cranked up tube-amp is what I want, but NOT an option.
But, I can't pull the trigger, because whatever sane part of me is left knows that I would never use it, and it would just be a waste of money, since I play pretty much 100% direct into a board and monitor with headphones.
But I'm not real happy with the sound of my current setup which is ancient, anyway, so I'm looking for something good for recording, with REALLY good sound quality.
The basic tones I'm looking for are:
1. Good Fender-ish squeaky-clean tone
2. Fender-ish "just breaking up" clean tone
3. British/80's EL34 tone
4. Metal (and I mean METAL!

Everything would be essentially some slight variations on these, and the only effects I really use are reverb, light delay, a little chorus occasionally.
I'm looking at:
1. Behringer V-Amp Pro ($170-ish)
2. Line6 Pod X3 Pro ($700-ish)
3. Rocktron Voodu Valve ($800-ish)
4. Rocktron Prophesy II ($1200-ish)
5. Axe-FX (basic) ($1500)
Other suggestions?
Obviously there is a large difference in price and probably quality here. The Axe-FX seems to be getting raves and for $1500 it seems it will do just about anything I want, AND about 10,000 more things I don't need. I'm tempted to go for it, but, it might be overkill, but I'm concerned the cheaper units just won't sound as good.
I see a lot of discussion here and there but it's always "Big cranked up tube amp vs..." and for me, the big cranked up tube-amp is what I want, but NOT an option.