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G-Major assistance

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  • G-Major assistance

    We had a severe electrical storm the other night where lightening came close to the garage where my gear is set up. Now my G-Major (and a few other things) are not working properly. The GM powers up and will change presets, factory and user. It will allow me to change and access peramaters in the menu. I checked and made sure it is still in analog in the I/O section thinking a surge may have made it jump settings. I did a reset (system restore) got the kernal cleared message but still nothing.

    Everything powers up and looks normal except it's seeing no signal at the input.The input meters meters have no indication and the tuner doesn't read any signal or notes either.
    I have isolated the unit from the rack and just used a cord straight from the guitar to the unit after making sure the cord was good and still no signal.
    Does any one here know if there is some kind of protection circuit or fuse inside the unit?
    Any info and help is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    I had problems with my gMajor sometime back and sent it to TC. They originally quoted me $100 to fix the knob that was broken and said it was going to be a week. After not getting it back within the week, they upgraded a bunch of the internals (I can't remember what that was) and then waived the $100 fee. All I had to pay was for shipping. I was happy with their work. For some reason, I think they have some 'all repairs' for no more than $100 policy. It's been some time (2 years) so I might not have all of this information correct.



    • #3
      Thanks GWP, It looks like their service chg. is $130.00 now. I was wondering if that included any repairs needed or the basic rate was $130 and all parts etc. were on top of that!


      • #4
        From what I recall, everything was included, parts/labor. However, for a $130 charge, you might want to look at picking up another used one. Now that the Gm/2 are out, the price for a used GM has dropped.



        • #5
          I think you can reboot the GMajor to the original settings from the factory. Obviously that would nix your user presets, but if you were just using the stock ones, or have yours written down that might fix the problem you are having.


          • #6
            Got a call from the TC tech today- $130.00 covers any and all repairs plus return shipping. Not a bad deal really. He told me there have been instances where they actually have rebuilt almost entire units faceplates and all.
            I checked E-Bay, $250.00 - $300 used. M Friend is blowing them out for $300 new to make room for the new series I imagine
            I'm now in the process of writing down my favorite user presets (8) so I can do a hard reset since the soft did no good!!! I was told by several techs that would be the first thing they would all try anyhow,

            Wish me luck


            • #7
              Hope that works and saves ya $130 bucks.


