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Nuno joins Rihanna

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  • atomic charvel guy
    I got the Whinehouse gig!! Not the guitar spot, but the actual Amy Whinehouse job, I was the ugliest girl there, and I
    was juiced to the gills and high as a kite, I destroyed the competition, you can call me amy now.

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  • Chrisb
    Extreme was metal. Not good metal maybe. That said I did always love "Play with Me" killer song. Its Hair Metal, but its just as much metal as Poison was. Now Extreme kinda jumped around and had hits in pop and rock as well. Either way who gives a shit. I mean if cred really meant anything how come people still hold Marty in such reverance? I mean talk about throwing away a promising metal career. Regardless its apparently something he enjoys and is probably one of my favorite guitarists. Alex Skolnick tours every year with TSO which is pretty mainstream, and he enjoys it to. Not to mention it probably pays for alot of his other projects.

    Nuno is a great guitartist, thats really all there is to it. Whatever he needs to do to make a living I don't care, but the man can seriously shred. End of story.

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  • micha
    now that would be a shame, wouldn't it?

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  • atomic charvel guy
    christina can sing her ass off.

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  • Endrik
    No matter how much money would be involved, I personally wouldn't play with her, her music is too mechanical and her and background vocals are always so over processed. Someone like Aguilera would be totally different matter, more natural sounds and better grooves, pure vocal powers and of course the hottness level is on another perimeter.

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  • jgcable
    I have to admit, that was fairly bad ass. Rhianna is crazy hot.

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  • VitaminG
    her best work was with Shy Ronnie on SNL

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  • Jack Napalm
    Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
    In a world of American Idol sub par karyoke wannabes... Rhianna is
    a major talent! Her voice is like Whitneys "WAS"...16 years ago..
    She has the goods
    She does but that song still sucked. She looked good!

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  • Robert Burns
    In a world of American Idol sub par karyoke wannabes... Rhianna is
    a major talent! Her voice is like Whitneys "WAS"...16 years ago..
    She has the goods

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  • RacerX

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  • atomic charvel guy
    i'm going to an Amy Whinehouse audition at 2 today, I should get the gig, i'll be the only one there who can outparty her. those are the top credentials as far as i can see.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
    bingo. it's funny how people get up in arms over this kind of stuff. the guy wants to play, it's his call not ours.
    Plus I bet you he is hitting that hot azz of Rihanna, and I would let her pay me to play in her band, design her sig guitar, give her guitar lessons and put it in her fartbox too! Let's not forget guys, Party, pussy, paycheck! 1-stop shopping for Nuno here, God bless him!

    As our dear Atomic Fruitbat once wisely said, "Don't sweat the petty stuff, just pet the sweaty stuff"! Nuno heard ya, Tommy!

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  • atomic charvel guy
    Originally posted by kennslp View Post
    Looks like a good move for Nuno. I can't think of a better way to help finance personal projects (like Extreme perhaps) than by using his talents to make a good buck when the opportunity arises. That's what musicians do. Greg Howe played w/ Nsync and Enrique Iglesias; Andy Timmons played with Olivia Newton John,... etc,etc.... Nothing worng with using your talents to make a living...

    bingo. it's funny how people get up in arms over this kind of stuff. the guy wants to play, it's his call not ours.

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  • Endrik
    Madonna at least was playing some Pantera
    Last edited by Endrik; 04-12-2010, 10:23 AM.

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  • micha
    I was always in the pro-nuno-camp in this thread, but did this song suck or what? holy.....

    nuno did fine on the solo, but the whole song would need tons more of nuno to make it good.

    yeah, hated it as well when she put on the guitar. why even consider doing so if pick-scratching is all you're about to do?

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