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Hook me up with some new bands please!

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  • Hook me up with some new bands please!

    Some progressive/power metal with great vocals like symphony X, Black Majesty (god I love this guy's vocals!), Edguy, etc.

    I'm tired of hammerfall, Rhapsody, Blind guardian, etc. But any new bands along these lines would be cool too.

  • #2
    Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio,....


    • #3
      These guys are pretty good
      Black USA soloist
      Blue Bengal Dk2M
      BGF KVX10
      Ibanez GA Nylon


      • #4
        Opeth, Katatonia, October Tide, Dark Tranquillity, (old) In Flames, (old) Soilwork, Tristania, for metal.

        Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Jethro Tull, (old) Genesis, Lunatic Soul, for non metal.
        "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


        • #5
          Originally posted by Yesod138 View Post
          Communic are good.

          Scar Symmetry are great, if you don't mind some growled vocals in amongst the clean ones.

          how about Eyefear? Great singer.

          I've been listening to a lot of Wolverine lately. They're more in the Porcupine Tree/Green Carnation style though.

          I'll have to dig through the collection and see what else I can find.
          Hail yesterday


          • #6
            Originally posted by DonP View Post
            Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio,....
            I said something new! Damn you! :ROTF:

            Originally posted by Musician78 View Post
            Opeth, Katatonia, October Tide, Dark Tranquillity, (old) In Flames, (old) Soilwork, Tristania, for metal.
            these are exactly the bands I'm tired of listening to. Soilwork, I actually love their 'Stabbing the Drama' album, but everything else sounds crappy.

            On the, someone mentioned 'The Faceless'. Sounds like Necrophagist but if you're tired of Necro, give these guys a listen. Much better song variations.


            • #7
              Pagan's Mind
              Circus Maximus
              Steel Attack
              Primal Fear
              Nightwish (Tarja is gone though)
              Currently at 78 guitars - Paul Reed Smith, Jackson, Robin, Washburn, Carvin, Peavey, U.S. Masters, G&L, Hamer, Godin, BC Rich, Yamaha, Fender, ESP, Kramer, Cort, Ibanez, Aria Pro & Charvel


              • #8
                Those seem nice! I have a couple of Nightwish albums. i'll listen to the others. Thanks!


                • #9
                  Tired of Opeth??? Blasphemy!



                  • #10
                    Pagan's Mind is a good call. I actually got into them because Jorn Viggo Loftstad plays guitar with Jorn Lande & I wanted to find out what else he has done. Discovered Beautiful Sin the same way - another Lofstad project.

                    Demons & Wizards? Featuring BG's singer

                    And another connection - Kamelot singer Roy Khan's old band, Conception

                    The two Allen/Lande albums, by guitarist Magnus Karlsson. Check out Magnus's band, Last Tribe too

                    Andy B Franck's various groups, Symphorce, Brainstorm & Ivanhoe.


                    At Vance
                    Last edited by VitaminG; 03-23-2010, 08:13 PM.
                    Hail yesterday


                    • #11
                      +1 on Circus Maximus! Those guys freaking rule! If you like progressive/metal then you'll like those guys guarenteed!


                      • #12
                        Oh, can't forget Andromeda. Awesome prog stuff there.


                        • #13
                          +1 for Demons and Wizards. As well as Hansi from BG, it also features Jon Scaffer of Iced Earth.
                          Also, for power metal type stuff check out Burning in Hell, Stratovarius, Luca Turilli (guitarist from Rhapsody's solo stuff) and Dragonforce (yeah yeah....i dig em)

                          For more "prog" type stuff check out Riverside from Poland. Great band and sound like a really cool mix of Opeth/Tool/Pink Floyd/Dream Theatre type stuff.

                          For outright shredfests, check out Freak Kitchen (current band of Mattias IA Eklund) and Blotted Science (can't remember the guitarists name off hand, but bass is handled by Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse, one of the worlds most underrated bassists IMO)

                          Lastly, if you dig The Faceless (who i looove) do yourself a favour and check out Obscura from germany, and my personal favourite discovery of 2009, AUGURY, from Canada (these guys are siiiiick!)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                            Tired of Opeth??? Blasphemy!

                            I've been listening to them since 'My arms your hearse' came out. what was that? 1998?? I have pretty much all their albums. Yeah, I'm tired!!! :ROTF:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                              I've been listening to them since 'My arms your hearse' came out. what was that? 1998?? I have pretty much all their albums. Yeah, I'm tired!!! :ROTF:
                              Man I could listen to that album every gloomy winter's day.

                              Into Viking Metal stuff at all? Tursisas, Amon Amarth, Ensiferum are a few I like to put on every once in a while.

                              For more thrashy stuff, check out Destroy Destroy Destroy. Crappy name but fun music.

