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Reb beach bagging on hammet

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by jgcable View Post
    compared to Reb Beach, he does suck. Kirk is a lousy soloist but if he writes the songs for Metallica, he is a great song writer. Anybody that can pen MOP, is a great songwriter.
    James wrote that stuff, Kirk gets credit for being a good yes-man and doing what he is told. There is a thread about this on Metal sludge and I have seen videos of James and Rob Trujillo both schooling Kirk on guitar.

    I think Kirk had potential up through MOP but losing Cliff Burton killed the soul and the spark of that band and everyone in it.

    And Kirk was supposed to be in the bunk Cliff was in; Cliff asked to trade. Eerie..

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  • dirtyroadie
    Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
    And then everyone yells "Metallica sold out! Metallica sold out!" Fuck all that - the only thing Metallica did when they released the black album was make heavy fucking music more popular than the current pop-rock/metal. If anything, they helped clear the way for heavier bands in the grunge set to take over for the next 5 years.
    Metallica did sell out. This is a band that claimed they would never take limos, fly in private jets, do videos, etc..

    The Black album may have cleared the way for other bands, but it was a calculated move to simplify their songwriting formula in an effort to achieve more mainstream appeal and success, which they did...

    I'm not denying their success since changing their style and selling out; that's as pointless as denying the fact that they sold out in the first place.

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  • Endrik
    Man I love this shit. Blabbermouth is the National Enquirer of metal. We are tr00 metalheads but we still love gossip and anonymously stirring up shit...
    What a bunch of weenies over there. I fucking love the comments about how much more Metallica has sold albums and how Kirk is more popular. They are the same fuckfaces who constantly bring out the good old "Britney has sold millions, that doesn't make her good" comments when defending their favorite underground bands.
    I find all Metallica albums listenable, some more than others, but let's be honest, some of the Reb's riffs on the "Pull" album are more metal than Load and Reload combined.
    Metallica is cool in my book for doing what they want to do musically but they did suck their record label's balls with the whole napster thing and that is fucking gay.
    Crybabies at blabbermouth must be just plain retarded if they even think Kirk has anything on Reb. Funny that all those little bitches over there constantly boast how technically proficient their favorite bands are but suddenly fail to see talent in Winger? Metallica is a great band but they have one of the most inconsistent big name drummers in the world while Winger has one of the best drummers in the world.

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  • sevser
    Reb nailed it....He was being a smart ass by saying vibration...cuz thats what it is. At best Krik constructed a few good/interesting solos between RTL and MOP...(Disposable Heros) But I have to say...he has the worst vibrato of any well known lead guitarist...and bad pitch with his bends.

    And....What did Kirk ever write that was good? I don't believe he wrote MOP...

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  • toejam
    Kirk is okay, but not nearly as good as Reb. I was never really a Winger fan, but they are good at what they do.

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  • fullmetalguitar
    I'm sure that Reb knows what vibrato is. Maybe, just maybe, he purposely called it vibration in reference to Kirk because when Kirk does it, it sounds like a rapid vibration instead of a smooth vibrato.

    And all this "Reb who?" and "I never heard of him until this thread" stuff does not mean anything as far as who is a better musician. You think Winger was cheesy? You think Metallica sold out? All matters of opinion. Yes Kirk is a million times more well known around the world and Metallica has outsold Winger by the tens of millions, but that doesn't make Kirk a better guitarist. Reb is light years ahead of Kirk in guitar playing ability, even if you don't prefer his style.

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  • Grandturk
    Man, Winger was never cool. Metallica and Beavis & Butthead didn't make ragging on Winger cool. Winger was lame before Beavis & Butthead even started - that's why the lame kid on the show had a Winger t-shirt.

    And thrash guys have always hated the pop-rock/metal guys - going back all the way to LA in 1983. To these guys, it was them against the VH's, Ratts, Poisons, Motley Crues and yes, Wingers of the world.

    And then everyone yells "Metallica sold out! Metallica sold out!" Fuck all that - the only thing Metallica did when they released the black album was make heavy fucking music more popular than the current pop-rock/metal. If anything, they helped clear the way for heavier bands in the grunge set to take over for the next 5 years.

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  • Vass
    20 years ago isn't really all that long- I remember the grief Winger took, with Beavis & Butthead and all that jazz. Metallica had just put out Black & gained alot more mainstream acceptance.

    Kip Winger was 27 years old when "Winger" became a hit. Beach was 25. Then the Beavis & Butthead thing. Then it became "cool" to bag on Winger- Beach, incidentally, shares writing credits on the big hits.

    Metallica takes an unsolicited cheapshot at them in 1992. Did Winger do something to Metallica? Maybe annoyed them by not being "metal" enough I guess. I don't have alot of respect for people that try to f with other people's careers though with no real motivation.

    So while what Beach said about Hammett is harsh, I am not surprised even a little bit that he's still pissed. You would be too. Winger I imagine is a friend of his & basically when the world was piling on his name Metallica jumped on as well.

    Kinda lame. Why put the guy's face on a dartboard anyway? Because you want to show how metal you are I guess.

    Does that mean Metallica is a bunch of jerkoffs? Not in my opinion- at least not for this. I'd say Beach has a bigger complaint than Metallica or Metallica fans have, however- Winger was made a punchline & Metallica is, well, Metallica.
    Last edited by Vass; 04-06-2010, 11:12 AM.

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  • Grandturk
    Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
    Winger, blech. I dislike the music Reb Beach plays, for the most part. He's a great guitar player though.
    I can't believe the number of people that stand up and say, "Winger is cool." Really? Like, maybe if you were a chick in 1989 and liked that big chin/stubble thing. But man, there was nothing cool about Winger.

    Kip and Reb were just on That Metal Show this past weekend. They really didn't have anything cool to say about themselves that would make me want to go get their new album.

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by SlaytanicDude View Post
    I'm not defending Metallica, I just dislike Winger's music more. He should know what vibrato is, it's a basic guitar technique. If you've been doing guitar instruction vids, I'm sure you would have to know what vibrato is unless you're cheating your viewers.
    he certainly knows how to use vibrato, as is evident in his playing. I've heard guitarists use all kind of weird terms for what I thought were common techniques or guitar parts in interviews over the years. Watched Paul Gilbert wondering out loud what double picking is once. And I've seen plenty of instructional videos where the guitarist has trouble describing a technique that they use.

    The whole reason they're even saying this stuff is because Metallica dumped on them in that video, and then Beavis and Butthead made Metallica look cooler than them. Not to mention it gives them publicity-there weren't any active threads about Reb Beach just yesterday, but now that he's made that comment, there's a thread. So how many looks is his band's new album gonna get now? More than if he hadn't made this comment. IMO, this was a publicity stunt by them, to get their name back in the game. Makes me appreciate bands like Overkill that revive themselves with real artistry.
    Reb was actually asked a direct question about Kirk's playing. He didn't bring it up. So if he was relying on that for a publicity stunt, he lucked out that the interviewer thought to ask about Kirk's playing. The video was something like 20 years ago (I think - not too up on Metallica history) so I don't think the reason is because Metallica dumped on them in that video.

    btw, there weren't any active threads about Metallica yesterday. Was it actually a publicity stunt to help Metallica promote their new album?
    Originally posted by RacerX View Post
    Well, Gary, I'd say that's about as possible as the existence of a professional burglary crew working Western Tennessee who utilize flutes exclusively as warning signals!

    There are a bunch of people in this thread and at Blabbermouth asking "who is this Reb Beach guy", so it is possible that very good guitarists could be unknown outside of their genre. Although how could ANYONE not know who Kirk Hamster is? He has been voted Best Guitarist by legions of 14 year old fanboys for the last 20-something years

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  • MakeAJazzNoiseHere
    Originally posted by charvel750 View Post
    Hammett is leaps and bounds ahead of Beach. Not only in playing ability, but by being in a band that has endured 3 decades and keeps getting better. Not to mention, Hammett's choice of guitars is always a one up on Beach. The only solo I liked Beach do was "17" and that was just wanking off really fast, that's all.
    You trollin'?

    Originally posted by Venomboy View Post
    Kirks lead playing has gone WAY downhill. His vibrato gets worse and worse.
    I liked his playing on Kill 'Em All and Ride the Lightning. Still thought it was more than passable on Master of Puppets. Overall pretty good from a "Hey that might not be the most technically dazzling solo ever, but it fits the song, has a good melody/hook, etc." kind of perspective.

    After that, meh. "Oh boy another wah-wah pentatonic buch-of-disconnected riffs." :dunno:

    Winger, blech. I dislike the music Reb Beach plays, for the most part. He's a great guitar player though.

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  • Spivonious
    Without reading this thread, I wouldn't have known who Reb Beach was. I take it he was in Winger? Talk about a lame band.

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  • markD
    no, really, i think many of you would be surprised how many guitarists, and people in general, could give two shits about half these heavy bands. in my opinion, the ONLY reason metallica stayed "on top" is because they DID sell out and change. if they had stayed where they were, the likely-hood of them being as huge as they are is questionable.

    as far as what the winger dude has to say? funny....but just his opinion. kinda like us when we bag on somebody.

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  • RacerX
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    of course, it is possible that he doesn't listen to heavier styles and only has a vague awareness of who is in what band.
    Well, Gary, I'd say that's about as possible as the existence of a professional burglary crew working Western Tennessee who utilize flutes exclusively as warning signals!

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  • Endrik
    Reb is awesome, it's amazing how little it takes to piss of a bunch of crybaby agro metalheads.

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