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Reb beach bagging on hammet

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  • Endrik
    I agree about blind-following. I mean drunk Ace sounded like shit and has had so many bad days... as did drugged out Hendrix. Metallica is a pretty big band so there's a lot of blind followers. I used to be huge Metallica fan and thought Kirk had some cool lead ideas on RTL but his vibrato always bothered me. It's something that makes or breaks a player.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by Endrik View Post
    heh, I like Ace
    specially his wide, in tune vibrato
    but I think I'm in a good company with Marty Friedman, Dimebag, Richie Kotzen, Ty Tabor, Nuno Bettencourt, John Norum, Paul Gilbert and many other Space Ace fans
    Well I like him too, and I thought he was pretty good in 1974. But in 2010 I am not going to try and say he is a guitar god in terms of his playing. He is a cool guy who had a cool persona, the Space Ace as you say.

    My point was that some people got into both these guys as kids and they are emotionally invested in defending them as something they are not.

    In fact, Kirk as the mild-mannered schlep who ain't that good, but got the opportunity to be in a world famous band? That is textbook identification for a lot of guys who are mild mannered and ain't that good, IMO. But he doesn't have the persona or personality of an Ace, more like a scared kid flinching whenever Daddy Jaymz raises his hand to smooth his Brylcream brow.

    I never got the impression that Ace was askeered of Gene or Paul. He could give a fuck what they thought. Kirk spoike up ONE TIME in SKOM and they bitchslapped him by not letting him play ANY solos in St. Anger, so he skulked back into his doghouse tail between legs.

    Not that I dislike Kirk as a person, I don't. I was proud oif him for showing a sack in the movie, and amazed they left it in. But they showed him who was boss, didn't they? And he took it lying down, went out and spoke the company line that made him redundant.

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  • Rupe
    Originally posted by Larz View Post
    Someone like Vince Neil would have found Lars Ulrich and given him a sweep kick to the jaw ten years ago. End of story.
    He and Nikki tried, but they couldn't catch the little weasel while wearing platform boots :ROTF:

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  • Endrik
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    I think people who like Kirk are like those who like Ace Frehley.
    heh, I like Ace
    specially his wide, in tune vibrato
    but I think I'm in a good company with Marty Friedman, Dimebag, Richie Kotzen, Ty Tabor, Nuno Bettencourt, John Norum, Paul Gilbert and many other Space Ace fans

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  • Nightbat
    Originally posted by SlaytanicDude View Post
    Actually I know a kid who likes Winger...he bought Winger tickets over Maiden.
    Kill him, any jury would say it was for his own good

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  • Endrik
    Originally posted by nafe View Post
    That's cool Vass, i can appreciate your opinion and in some respects i agree (and no, i'm not being sarcastic) You're entitled to your opinion, as i am mine.

    Personally, it's not something i would have done, that's all.
    If he's really still got a stick up his ass that someone threw darts at a picture of someone else 18 years ago, he really needs to do one of two things: 1) grow up and get over it! or 2) be the bigger man and simply say something along the lines of " i don't really like his style, but he's ok....
    Why sink to a game of tit-for-tat?

    As i said, it's just my opinion and I didn't think it was necessary for endrick to be a dick in response to my original post, hence my sarcastic response

    Anyway, arguing on the web is retarded, im off to cry myself to sleep........
    It wasn't necessary? Dude I'm a dick. It's like saying breathing isn't necessary

    Anyway, Kirk is cool but his band mates do exactly what you condemn Reb for. They still haven't gotten over the Motley Crue fraud. Lars still throws out cheap shots at them as he was such a pussy in the early 80's that he had to run away from them to not to get his ass kicked.

    Also, does bitching about what Reb said make you an arrogant, sanctimonious cocksucker who takes random swipes at the abilities of a guitarist who has utterly eclipsed you in terms of career success?
    Let's face it, Reb is more successful musically than any of us. So by your logic we couldn't criticize him. I haven't played with Eric Clapton or Doug Pinnick, so even if Reb would get drunk on stage and play an half assed, out of tune solo, I should lick his feet? Me being a dick makes it impossible of course

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  • Larz
    It is sad if this dart thing is truly still burning down in Reb's gut after all this time.

    Someone like Vince Neil would have found Lars Ulrich and given him a sweep kick to the jaw ten years ago. End of story.

    Kip should have done it, being the band's namesake, but he probably didn't want James to rearrange his pretty face.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by Jack Napalm View Post
    I'm guessing that neither of them, Reb or Kirk, have the time or inclination to join in on this discussion here. Probably because they are off making music and/or spending all the cash they have made over the years and enjoying life.

    You can't deny their accomplishments or playing ability. You may not like it but both of them have accomplished a lot more with music then just about, if not everyone, on this board.

    This thread would be a lot more interesting if it was a bunch of girls. At least we could yell 'Cat Fight!'. Now its just pointless bickering.
    Well, you have a point, but this is a question that's been simmering for 20 years. It was never directly asked of him until now, so he delivered an honest answer.

    I think people who like Kirk are like those who like Ace Frehley. Long ago you must have realized the guy is basically a hack, but because you are a fanboy you can't admit it in the open, and like his solos for nostalgia's sake.

    Personally, even back in the 80s, I thought the thrash-heads who dismissed all hairbands as posers were just posers of a different stripe - the anti-poser IS a poser, like the anti-image of grunge was its own carefully prescribed uniform too.

    "I wanna be different, just like everybody else!" :ROTF:

    Reb is 100x the player Kirk is and no amount of record sales will change that FACT. Big sales just prove lowest common denominator.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by Larz View Post
    I think Kirk should buy the rights to Winger's entire catalog and burn it.
    He wanted to, but Jaymz and Larz told him no. They are enjoying his humiliation too much. And Kirk Hamster is nothing if not a yes-man!:ROTF:

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by Learn Guitars View Post
    This was one of the better reads here in a while. When ever I see how good a soloist Kurt is, I wonder when Bose came out with the Kurt Cancelling head phones.

    I was about to ask where I could get some before it occurred to me that I don't need 'em anyway. Last time I heard any Metallica was when someone tried to convince me that I HAD to listen to their triumphant return to form in Death Magnetic. It didn't matter that I've never liked them, that album was going to turn me around through its sheer brilliance.

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  • nafe
    That's cool Vass, i can appreciate your opinion and in some respects i agree (and no, i'm not being sarcastic) You're entitled to your opinion, as i am mine.

    Personally, it's not something i would have done, that's all.
    If he's really still got a stick up his ass that someone threw darts at a picture of someone else 18 years ago, he really needs to do one of two things: 1) grow up and get over it! or 2) be the bigger man and simply say something along the lines of " i don't really like his style, but he's ok....
    Why sink to a game of tit-for-tat?

    As i said, it's just my opinion and I didn't think it was necessary for endrick to be a dick in response to my original post, hence my sarcastic response

    Anyway, arguing on the web is retarded, im off to cry myself to sleep........
    Last edited by nafe; 04-07-2010, 10:30 AM.

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by toejam View Post
    Rich, I think Accept2's sarcasm just flew over your radar.
    That happens to me all too often... :think:

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  • Learn Guitars
    This was one of the better reads here in a while. When ever I see how good a soloist Kurt is, I wonder when Bose came out with the Kurt Cancelling head phones.

    Waaaaa...someone threw darts at my Kippy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    If we could simplify the argument with out all of the sarcasm, I may be able to pick a side. HAAHAHAHHAHA

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  • Jack Napalm
    I'm guessing that neither of them, Reb or Kirk, have the time or inclination to join in on this discussion here. Probably because they are off making music and/or spending all the cash they have made over the years and enjoying life.

    You can't deny their accomplishments or playing ability. You may not like it but both of them have accomplished a lot more with music then just about, if not everyone, on this board.

    This thread would be a lot more interesting if it was a bunch of girls. At least we could yell 'Cat Fight!'. Now its just pointless bickering.

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  • Vass
    I don't really think that's what Endrik was saying at all. There's something called discretion, and there's something called class. I said before and I'll say again: In my opinion Beach had every right in the world to say what he said. Obviously the dartboard thing really pissed him off.

    If Beach had just said, "this guy is horrible", unsolicited, I would find that fairly shitty and unnecessary. However- HE WAS ASKED ABOUT THE GUY'S PLAYING and comparisons to his own, and it's a guy and a band he has a problem with. What was he supposed to say, the same gutless BS we hear ever day from phonies everywhere?

    Typical nicey-nice comments after any game is played: "Yeah we had some problems with that team earlier in the season, you know, when they intentionally injured our team captain, but today you know we just put that behind us and focused on playing our game. They're just great, great competitors and today we got lucky and came out on top."

    What utter drivel. Everyone is so afraid to cause controversy that they just become complete frauds. That's why, even though people like Kerry King and Mustaine can be horse's asses, I respect the fact that they actually say what's on their mind, or if they don't want to say anything, give a "no comment", which basically lets you know what they're thinking anyway- instead of a bunch of phony garbage.

    Beach is pissed off that, when things were tough for him and his very good friend, Metallica took what he perceives as a thoughtless, careless, unsolicited shot at him. What would you have him do, say, "Oh yes, I feel the comparison to me and Kirk is very apt...if anything I would love to accomplish what he's accomplished. Hopefully he'll read this and give me a chance to be his guitar tech some day."

    THAT is what we call being a gutless sellout...not to "METAL" or anything else, but to himself as a human being. Reb threw it out there. It doesn't do shit for him publicity wise- people who know his chops know his chops. That's it. He was asked a question and he answerd honestly.

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