My new favorite album is Waldon Reed's Guitar Noir
If you guys like jazz/rock/fusion and instrumental music give it a shot.
I grew up with Waldon in Michigan and he was my first guitar teacher. We're the same age but he started on guitar much earlier than I did. I recently got back in touch with him after years of wondering about him. He does some Christian music stuff as well...excellent player and composer. Guitar Noir has 2 tracks that have vocals, everythign else is instrumental.
If you guys like jazz/rock/fusion and instrumental music give it a shot.
I grew up with Waldon in Michigan and he was my first guitar teacher. We're the same age but he started on guitar much earlier than I did. I recently got back in touch with him after years of wondering about him. He does some Christian music stuff as well...excellent player and composer. Guitar Noir has 2 tracks that have vocals, everythign else is instrumental.