Went to see UFO last night, great gig, as they always are, a good night out.
However, I can't figure out what is going on with Paul Raymond. He's obviously no spring chicken, has the face of a man of his sort of age, but he has the hair of a 20 yr old, it scares me and fascinates me at the same time. If it's a wig, he needs to set it free, if it's real......well, the mind boggles. How? It defies all logic.
In fact, as I watched him, and anyone who saw me must have thought I wanted his cock because I couldn't take my eyes off him, I became more and more confused.
I mean, the man is undoubtably talented, having been partly responsible for some of the greatest rock tunes ever, and doesn't get the recognition he deserves, but fuck, he performs like he is having a fit.
We all know that playing a guitar is like dancing - it's natural to move and sway with the music. But Mr Raymond seems to have no rhythm, Prof. Stephen Hawking has more groove. He jerks and twitches with no apparent connection to what he is playing. Or supposed to be playing, I swear I heard his guitar only twice, during Doctor Doctor and Shoot Shoot. Keyboards, no problem, nice and clear, but his guitar........well, he didn't even seem to be picking/strumming anywhere near in time.
Does he own the name UFO or something, and Phil Mogg lets him get on stage to keep on being a rock star in exchange for use of the band name?
It's bizarre, have any other UFO fans noticed this? It is most disturbing.......
You can see kind of what I mean here, I'm sure you can find more if you try:
Oh, and Vinnie Moore was excellent.
However, I can't figure out what is going on with Paul Raymond. He's obviously no spring chicken, has the face of a man of his sort of age, but he has the hair of a 20 yr old, it scares me and fascinates me at the same time. If it's a wig, he needs to set it free, if it's real......well, the mind boggles. How? It defies all logic.
In fact, as I watched him, and anyone who saw me must have thought I wanted his cock because I couldn't take my eyes off him, I became more and more confused.
I mean, the man is undoubtably talented, having been partly responsible for some of the greatest rock tunes ever, and doesn't get the recognition he deserves, but fuck, he performs like he is having a fit.
We all know that playing a guitar is like dancing - it's natural to move and sway with the music. But Mr Raymond seems to have no rhythm, Prof. Stephen Hawking has more groove. He jerks and twitches with no apparent connection to what he is playing. Or supposed to be playing, I swear I heard his guitar only twice, during Doctor Doctor and Shoot Shoot. Keyboards, no problem, nice and clear, but his guitar........well, he didn't even seem to be picking/strumming anywhere near in time.
Does he own the name UFO or something, and Phil Mogg lets him get on stage to keep on being a rock star in exchange for use of the band name?
It's bizarre, have any other UFO fans noticed this? It is most disturbing.......
You can see kind of what I mean here, I'm sure you can find more if you try:
Oh, and Vinnie Moore was excellent.
