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New DOKKEN and George Lynch CDs: my review

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  • New DOKKEN and George Lynch CDs: my review

    Last week, both Dokken and George Lynch released their new CDs on the same exact date, and on the same label, Deadline. I got them both. Since Dokken guitarist Jon Levin is a Charvel endorser and George used to play Charvels, I'm posting my review here.

    Dokken - Greatest Hits

    This features re-recorded versions of ten Dokken classics plus two all new tracks. Let me start by saying that I was really anticipating this. I couldn't wait to hear what they would do with these, especially how Jon would take on the guitar solos. Dokken has been one of my favorite bands since Tooth and Nail. So... major disappointment. Don's voice sounds totally shot most of the time. From the old stuff, the only track that works for me is Just Got Lucky. On the other songs, Don goes from sounding ok, to bad, to totally terrible. As for the guitar solos, I don't think anyone could do a better job of copying George's classic licks than Jon Levin. Unfortunately, they come off sounding like a copy or mimic, just not quite what the originals were. Technically correct, but missing that special something. The biggest blunder: the guitar solo for In My Dreams is out of sync with the rest of the song. It's like a half second behind, as if that track got bumped during mixdown and never fixed. Plus, Don's backing vocals at the end of that song are completely out of sync. Trust me when I say it sounds horrid. I'm blown away that they let this get released like this.

    On the plus side, the new songs sound really good. Don's voice even sounds better. Jon Levin is a great guitarist and sounds way better when not copying George's stuff lick for lick.

    Overall, major let down. Even the production quality is subpar compared to their last cd. The whole thing feels cheap and rushed. The packaging is also terrible. No picture of the band, no mention of band members and what instruments they play. Even the tray card was the cheapest plastic I've ever seen in a cd case. So if you're thinking about buying this, don't bother. Waste of money.

    George Lynch - Orchestral Mayhem

    George was always my biggest influence back in the day and you can definitely hear it in my playing. Having said that, I've been mostly disappointed in everything he's done for more than a decade now. Smoke This, Furious George, Revolution, all complete shit. The Lynch/Pilson and latest Lynch Mob cds were ok, but the guitar work is severely lacking. When I heard about this new release, I decided to give him one more chance.

    This cd is George trying his best to do the Transiberian Orchestra thing. It's all instrumental, and all utterly boring. Endless noodling over the orchestral instrumentals, but there's no magic, no inspiration, and no fire that used to be such a part of his playing. The mojo is gone and I feel 100% confident in saying that it's never coming back. He's done. I'll never waste my money on another one his releases. I've got the classic stuff that I still love to listen to. Not sure what happened to this once great guitarist, but it's just sad. Oh well.

    And the packaging on this one is just as bad as the Dokken cd. No picture of George. No mention of any musicians playing anything. I question how involved George was with this. If it's like the Furious George cd, he just came in and laid down the solos and had nothing to do with the backing tracks. But since there are no credits, I can only speculate. Oh, and the same cheap ass plastic cases that were broken upon arrival. Again, don't waste your money on this either.
    Breaking Point, my all instrumental CD available here:

  • #2


    • #3
      Unfortunately, George just doesn't bring it any more. The fire is gone. Has been since the 2nd Lynch Mob record. I have a couple of his recent "offerings", but I only keep them around to complete the collection. They pretty much blow.

      Don's voice...accchhh!! He doesn't sing any more. I've heard guys taking dumps with more soul. There comes a time when you move behind the board for good. Don did a great job with XYZ back in the day. Stick to production, and stay away from the mic.


      • #4
        The new Lynch Mob CD has some good tunes on it, Oni Logan thoroughly destroys Don Dokken on vocals.
        And did the world really need a "new" Dokken CD of their "past" songs? I know Jon Levin can play, but the whole concept
        is ratty outrageous if you ask me.
        check this out, I'm willing to bet it smokes Dokken's latest- check out the tune "Lucky Man" as well.

        From the new album, "Smoke and Mirrors"Lynch Mob is an American band featuring former Dokken guitarist George Lynch, who has been the band's only permanent m...
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • #5
          I agree that Oni is a much better singer than Don now. Don's voice is gone. But I'll also say that Jon Levin is a much better guitarist than George now.

          There are definitely some cool songs on the latest Lynch Mob including Lucky Man, but from a guitar stand point, it's really lacking. No memorable solos at all. Just the same lifeless noodling that George always does these days. Really the best thing about Smoke and Mirrors is Oni. He's what makes the songs at least half way good.
          Breaking Point, my all instrumental CD available here:


          • #6
            I'm tired of "greatest hits" records... How many can some of these bands keep releasing? Motley? Poison? Dokken? It's the same songs...over and over and over....


            • #7
              Wow, good (but disappointing) reviews. I used to love Lynch... bummer! Some of my friends went to see Dokken recently and they left half way through the show because Don's voice was so horrible.
              Special deals for JCF members on Jackson/Charvel, Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Splawn, Bogner, LSL, Ibanez, Diezel, Friedman, Bad Cat, 3rd Power, Dr. Z, ENGL and more. FREE SHIPPING! 0% FINANCING!


              • #8
                Matt, nobody is more disappointed than me. I've still got a framed autographed Lynch poster hanging on my wall. And I think I'd stay for a whole Dokken show just to hear Jon Levin burnin' up the fretboard.
                Breaking Point, my all instrumental CD available here:




                • #9
                  I don't really understand the reasoning behind re-recording these Dokken songs, they were already perfect to begin with. I guess it was a money thing?

                  anyway, I think Jon Levins did a great job on the songs, but the production is just too dark sounding on these recordings. It just doesn't have the old school Dokken feel.
                  It sounds like a cover band with a more than capable guitarist at the helm.

                  I wonder what George thinks...


                  • #10
                    Its always about money.

                    I am a huge Lynch/Dokken fan and these discs are huge letdowns. I am not enamored with Levin as much as some. Hes good, damn good but I don't think the new Dokken stuff holds up to old Dokken at all. The greatest hits CD just blows. Don's voice is horrific and while John is very good I would not listen to these new versions over the old ones even if Don's voice was better.

                    The new Lynch disc is just odd. I am not much a fan of all instrumental music anyway but this one just didn't do anything for me. At least the clips didn't.


                    • #11
                      I have to say that I am quite impressed with George's Souls of We album. It was a real step up for him from the past.
                      Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


                      • #12
                        How's going Mike? Hope all is well, someday I'll reciprocate on something good for those Namm tickets you scored me.
                        The Souls of We has gotten some good reviews as far as i have read, but I gotta take a listen to the tunes I haven't heard any
                        off that album, I'm on it now.

                        Don't get me wrong guys, I love hearing sick guitar solos as much as anyone on the planet, but in the end what does it for me
                        the most is songwriting and the tune itself, and sometimes , actually most of the time, I think the best music has already been written
                        a long time ago, so why re-record it and try to improve on it, you just can't. Technology and money are music's two biggest adversaries
                        right now, music has definitely lost a lot in the last 15 years, is that me getting old and set in my ways? I don't think so, I like to think I have
                        one of the more open ears to listen to various types of music, but the great players and writers of today are ignored for the most part by the
                        mondo record companies. We need a band with a little bit of everything in their tunes to rise up and change things from the cookie cutter
                        world that is now. Doesn't need to neccessarily be a strict throw back to the music we like, just something good god damnit!!!!! been a long time now my friends.
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #13
                          Doing good bro!! How about you? We will catch up at NAMM this year.

                          You will like Souls of We. Great song writing IMO.
                          Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


                          • #14
                            I'm good thanks. Glad you're painting up a storm, congratulations on that.
                            Not helping the situation since 1965!


                            • #15
                              Souls of We and the latest Lynch Mob were both pretty good but not great (I also liked the last Dokken album...haven't heard this one yet). Haven't heard the new solo release but sounds like I don't want to either...bummer. I walked out of a Lynch show several years ago...I felt embarrassed for him he was so bad, and he was one of my biggest influences and inspirations back in the 80's.

                              Odd that he seems to have lost it whereas his protégé Warren Demartini sounds absolutely awesome on the new Ratt release.

                              FWIW, Mathias Jabs sounds great on the Scorpions farewell album (Sting in the Tail).

