Originally posted by Trem
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I wonder because I had a situation with George Lynch once.
I worked at a guitar shop back in the '90's and we had George Lynch do a clininc.
His guitars came in from ESP 1 day before he arrived.
I opened them up to fondle them and the first on I pulled out was the grafitti graphic guitar. I tried to play it and was horrified at how heavy his strings were and how high the action was. They must have been 012- to 56 sets. It seemed to be about 1/2" high at the upper register but probably not really that high in reality. I thought something must've happened in shipping, got scared and quickly put them away.
He shows up the next day and asks about the tanning salon a few doors down. Since I knew I chick that worked there I got him a free tan...he was in there about an hour...this was during his muscle/ body building era.
When he finished he asks if he can warm up in one of our back rooms. He had about 3 hours before the start of the clinic. He
He came back sat in the room picked up the graffiti guitar and began to shred like it was strung with .008's
I was amazed...he was two feet in front of me in basically a closet (that we converted to guitar lesson rooms) just doing his thing. He asked if I wanted to play and I passed but the in house guitar teacher who was a GIT grad said sure.
He tried and all that came out was these little plink plink sounds from being unable to even fret a not much less play a scale or lick.
George laughed and took the guitar back and went on about his business.
I have to say that George was a super nice guy.
I've met George, EVH, Paul Gilbert, Zak Wylde, Steve Morse, Dimebag and tons of others. All were super super cool.
The biggest a-holes I've ever met were Reb Beach and Vitto Bratta and some nobody named Greg Bennet. Total ass hats
Now if I could only meet Schenker and Akira....
Oh, and I don't know how guys feel about him but one of my long time friends of 20+ years and we used to jam / shred / party together is Rusty Cooley. He really is a nice guy who has worked his ass off to be as good as he is.
I talked to him Monday and he was dissappointed that he missed Akira. He is a big fan.
I ramble...sorry.