Originally posted by Hellbat
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Look at a band like Attack Attack, the crabcore kings. They (or their producers) are trying to cover every base by squeezing EVERYTHING that is appealling to kids today into their songs. The couple I've heard, anyway. Death vox, screamo, melodic vox to counterpoint the heavier ones, two lead singers, auto-tune, techno beats, keys, big moshy breakdowns, straightened hair, matching outfits, choreographed & coordinated stage moves, tempo changes, the only thing they're missing is a turntable & MC.
I was never really into punk, but it had a legitimacy and primal coolness that I could respect. The original stuff, that is, and there are new bands that are true to that original ethos. But most modern punk just takes elements of the originals and put them into a pop format. Most modern extreme metal (as promoted by the commercial labels) is doing the same thing, with death/black/Gothenberg elements. The kids have no idea - this sounds angry and scary and like it will piss off my parents, and yet it is strangely accessible. Plus they're playing it at that cool clothing store downtown.