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New Machine Head album

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  • New Machine Head album

    Any thoughts? I thought it was pretty killer. Really glad with the direction their music has gone back to with their past two albums and their new release.
    Last edited by rattlehead74; 12-06-2011, 11:11 AM.

  • #2
    When the opening track took off after the chant intro, I thought BillZ himself was gonna rise from the ground.

    I too like the direction of the band. It's no Burn My Eyes, but a damn fine addition to the collection for sure. I think I've spun it front to back at least 10 times now.
    "Today, I shat a brown monolith ..majestic enough for gods to stand upon" BillZ aka horns666


    • #3
      'The Blackening' was a killer 'comeback'. 'Unto The Locust' took a few listens before it landed on the 'to keep' pile. It's a bit 'dark and weird' but in a good way. Think the part with the kid choir is a bit much but it's a really good album overall.

      Also a bit curious about Flynn's baritone V that Epiphone put out.
      semi-automatic hate machine...


      • #4
        I like the fact that I could listen to the whole thing and not get bored. The intro is kick ass, wasnt expecting that. Little dark but I think thats what I liked about it. I checked the vids on youtube and Flynn's baritone looks like it would be a blast to play.


        • #5

          I bought Burn My Eyes back when it first came out. Blew my mind. So heavy. So awesome. They have yet to make an album like it since.

          The Blackening is a close second, in my opinion. Awesome album. Just the perfect blend of heaviness, technicality, and speed. I feel as if The Blackening was Machine Head's "Rust in Peace" album.

          Unto the Locust is just... eh. The intro for the first song was badass. Then they kick into the slow groove where Robb's voice sounds like nothing he's ever done before. Incredibly modern and heavy. That whole section where he screams "I am Hell" gets me going. I can feel the hair raising on my arm. Then, that section ends and the song just totally looses me.

          The only song I don't skip past is Locust. A half way decent song; although, the interlude in the middle with the solos could be a bit shorter.

          Quite honestly, the best song on the entire CD (Deluxe Edition) isn't even their song. It's a cover of Judas Priest's The Sentinel. That song is rocking, and Machine Head does a great job covering it.

          So that's 2 songs that I like (one of which isn't even theirs), and 45 seconds of another.

          I felt the album was a departure from the heavy chugging that I'm used to from Machine Head. This album featured just a shit ton of screeching over-the-top guitar solos and duets. Eh. These guys never were known for their lead guitar playing, and they still never will be. The solos they've done in the past were short, sweet, and to the point; moreover, they fit the songs they were in really well. It seems like the solos on Unto the Locust are there just... because. They don't really fit, and like I said, they're more screeching than they are melodic or interesting.

          I bought this album on sale from Amazon, took two listens all the way through, ripped the two songs and 45 seconds of the other song that I liked, and then trashed the CD.

          I'm seriously looking forward to their next effort, though, assuming they try to get back their roots. However, if history is any guide with these guys, they have another 13 years to go before putting out an album really worthy of the band (Burn My Eyes - 1994; The Blackening - 2007; 2007-1994=13 years.)
          Last edited by 1stSFG-A; 12-09-2011, 09:12 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 1stSFG-A View Post
            Then, that section ends and the song just totally looses me.
            It unleashes you?

            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              Originally posted by RacerX View Post
              It unleashes you?
              34,354 corrections and counting!


              • #8
                we should have a Ron Ticker across the bottom of every page.
                Hail yesterday


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GuerillaPete View Post
                  Also a bit curious about Flynn's baritone V that Epiphone put out.
                  Is that what the 7 string Eppi V was that Eppi sold for a bout 2 years in the late 90's? Or is this a new one?

                  I liked the look of the new Gibson 7 string V thast came out, but I hate gold hardware! So I'll keep looking for that old Eppi one.

