A few years ago I was commissioned to write a history of Tommy Bolin's guitars and equipment. It was for the great BSM Treble Boosters site. They are a German company who build uncannily accurate treble boosters that match specific artists tones of a large period of time. Examples are Ritchie Blackmore and Rory Gallagher, Brian May.
BSM came out with a pedal called the Spectrum which was to simulate Tommy's Sam Ash Fuzz which he bought from the Long Island store and it was a large part of his tone.
This was a labor of love as I grew up with Tommy as one of my guitar heroes and he really was a brilliant player who burned out way too early.
He has a really interesting gear history and I hope you enjoy the piece I wrote!!
Here is their website. The pedals all are handwired and no costs are cut in their construction.
Here are some pictures from a test session I did at Guitar Center in Scottsdale Arizona using my 2005 Marshall Handwired 1959HW 100 watt head which has parts upgrades by George Metropoulos of Metro Amps.
I used the Marshall JH Jimi Hendrix cabs and you can see The BSM Spectrum pedal I was testing along with my Maxon Super Tube Screamer and my Analogman modded Boss Digital Delay DD-6.

Also pictured is my great 1983 Fullerton built 1957 Vintage Reissue Stratocaster which I ordered new and this is very similar to the vintage Strats that Tommy used.
Hope you enjoy my article. It was edited by my German friends so proof reading I have found some run on sentences, a trademark of myself
, please read it anyway as I really worked hard on it!
Another famous Strat user and another of my influences Yngwie J. Malmsteen pictured here in Tuscon Arizona where I snapped this picture in 2005:

BSM came out with a pedal called the Spectrum which was to simulate Tommy's Sam Ash Fuzz which he bought from the Long Island store and it was a large part of his tone.
This was a labor of love as I grew up with Tommy as one of my guitar heroes and he really was a brilliant player who burned out way too early.
He has a really interesting gear history and I hope you enjoy the piece I wrote!!
Here is their website. The pedals all are handwired and no costs are cut in their construction.
Here are some pictures from a test session I did at Guitar Center in Scottsdale Arizona using my 2005 Marshall Handwired 1959HW 100 watt head which has parts upgrades by George Metropoulos of Metro Amps.
I used the Marshall JH Jimi Hendrix cabs and you can see The BSM Spectrum pedal I was testing along with my Maxon Super Tube Screamer and my Analogman modded Boss Digital Delay DD-6.

Also pictured is my great 1983 Fullerton built 1957 Vintage Reissue Stratocaster which I ordered new and this is very similar to the vintage Strats that Tommy used.
Hope you enjoy my article. It was edited by my German friends so proof reading I have found some run on sentences, a trademark of myself

Another famous Strat user and another of my influences Yngwie J. Malmsteen pictured here in Tuscon Arizona where I snapped this picture in 2005:
