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Metallica: Atlas, Rise!
Originally posted by Nimitz View Post
I fucking love the song. I wish it had a slightly harsher guitar tone but overall it's great and even Kirk's solo is inoffensive which is all I can ask for these days.
Lars is awesome in every way but how long did it take to record that video? He's got a big fucking grey beard in some of it, short hair, long hair, no hair....
Looking forward to the new album but I wish they'd get that 80's guitar tone back, and more gain!
Originally posted by Axewielder View PostPretty decent...can they go back to not having guitar solos though?
Listen to the solos on the new Megadeth, Anthrax (good job Charlie!) or Testament - it's head and shoulders above Kirk and yet, Hammett will get all the praise going while everyone else remains in the mainstream shadows. Sad.
But on this song at least Kirk's tone isn't offensive and he plays notes that make some kind of sense so I can live with it.
Oh, Amazon Prime have new Priest and Last In Line so check those out for some great playing all round. I love that Andrew Freeman's voice and Faulkner's leads are cool as fuck.
so I listened to it a couple times and I'll pass. I hate like hell to say it, but it just feels empty at it's core. Glad they are making another album, but this one just isn't going to be for me.
It's like someone told these guy what metallica sounded like and this is a pretty decent guess, but nowhere near the real thing. I dunno. I'm not a hater on the load and re-load albums, I'd kind of rather them keep experimenting then to put out uninspired nostalgia.In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil
Originally posted by xenophobe View Postprobably should have tried to create something new than prop up something old.
Originally posted by MartinBarre View PostFuck you man, I just screen grabbed that and had it all ready to post!My original message of this post was to show Jaymz rocking a Jackson...
Originally posted by eakinj View PostI'm not a hater on the load and re-load albums, I'd kind of rather them keep experimenting then to put out uninspired nostalgia.
Originally posted by Force View PostAnd I want to know more about that King V.
Old-school RR/KV control layout with one knob removed, 22 frets with stoptail. Kill Bon Jovi was on the headstock at one time.
I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.
Hey, is this a different KV ? this one does look to have the third hold in it... did he have something over the hole at one point?In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil
Interesting. I assume maybe he had a plug in it or maybe white tape over it.
I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.