Re: To All C.O.B. fans...
Carpahnaum / At the gates / Arch Enemy / Arsis / Symbyosis (the best) / Theory in Practice / Soilwork / Darkane / Eucharist / Dimension Zero / The Haunted / Witchery / Cynic / Byzantine / Callenish Circle / Carnal Forge / Coroner / The Crown / Conroled Denied / Dark Tranquilty / Disharmania Mundi / Elysium / Enforsaken / Extol / Fragments of unbecoming / Gardenain / Gory Blister / Hatesphere / The haunted / Hearse / Helstar / Forbidden / The Forsaken/ Entombed / Carcass / Hexenhause / Himsa / Into eternity / Kalmah / eternal tears of sorrow / Last Crack / Lemur Voice / Lyzanxia / Diabolical / Godgory / Martyr / Mekong Delta / Mercenary / Mershugga / Lamb of God / The black dialiah murder / Mors principium Est / Necrodeth / Nevremore / Night in Gales / Nightrage / Non exist / Arise / Nail Within / Node / No Return / Norther / Opeth / Orphaned Land / Athesit / Pesteilence / Prototype / Psychotic Waltz / Raise Hell / Sentenced / Sabbat / Sadist / Sadus / Shadow / Shadows fall / Soul Embraced / Soilwork / Space Odessy / Edge of Sanity / Nocturnus / Time Requiem / Silver Seraph / Opus Atlantica / Soul Reaper / Monstronsity / Spiral Architech / Theory in Practice / Therion / Amorhis / My dying bride / Throne of Chaos / Torchbearer / Katatonia / Tourniquet / Terror 2000 / Defaced / Skyfire / Norther / Imperanon / NEVERMORE / Virtuocity / Warmaen / Sinergy / COB / Within Y / Wuthering Height s / Abstract algebra / Wolverine / Watch Them Die / Evergrey / Sceptic/ Winds / Zero Hour / Psycroptic / DemiGod / Compos mentus / Blinded Colony Textures.......some new stuff like all that remains and Killswitch engage ....but I can't stand the vocals in KE.....but the guitars are pretty good.
this is the stuff that I'm most found of ....I'm sure I skipped tons .....this stuff get's lots of play at the homestead!!
I'm also a huge fan of DOOM ...Candlemass / Krux / Memento mori / Memory Garden / Solitude aeturnus..
Carpahnaum / At the gates / Arch Enemy / Arsis / Symbyosis (the best) / Theory in Practice / Soilwork / Darkane / Eucharist / Dimension Zero / The Haunted / Witchery / Cynic / Byzantine / Callenish Circle / Carnal Forge / Coroner / The Crown / Conroled Denied / Dark Tranquilty / Disharmania Mundi / Elysium / Enforsaken / Extol / Fragments of unbecoming / Gardenain / Gory Blister / Hatesphere / The haunted / Hearse / Helstar / Forbidden / The Forsaken/ Entombed / Carcass / Hexenhause / Himsa / Into eternity / Kalmah / eternal tears of sorrow / Last Crack / Lemur Voice / Lyzanxia / Diabolical / Godgory / Martyr / Mekong Delta / Mercenary / Mershugga / Lamb of God / The black dialiah murder / Mors principium Est / Necrodeth / Nevremore / Night in Gales / Nightrage / Non exist / Arise / Nail Within / Node / No Return / Norther / Opeth / Orphaned Land / Athesit / Pesteilence / Prototype / Psychotic Waltz / Raise Hell / Sentenced / Sabbat / Sadist / Sadus / Shadow / Shadows fall / Soul Embraced / Soilwork / Space Odessy / Edge of Sanity / Nocturnus / Time Requiem / Silver Seraph / Opus Atlantica / Soul Reaper / Monstronsity / Spiral Architech / Theory in Practice / Therion / Amorhis / My dying bride / Throne of Chaos / Torchbearer / Katatonia / Tourniquet / Terror 2000 / Defaced / Skyfire / Norther / Imperanon / NEVERMORE / Virtuocity / Warmaen / Sinergy / COB / Within Y / Wuthering Height s / Abstract algebra / Wolverine / Watch Them Die / Evergrey / Sceptic/ Winds / Zero Hour / Psycroptic / DemiGod / Compos mentus / Blinded Colony Textures.......some new stuff like all that remains and Killswitch engage ....but I can't stand the vocals in KE.....but the guitars are pretty good.
this is the stuff that I'm most found of ....I'm sure I skipped tons .....this stuff get's lots of play at the homestead!!
I'm also a huge fan of DOOM ...Candlemass / Krux / Memento mori / Memory Garden / Solitude aeturnus..