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Nile and Jackson

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  • Nile and Jackson

    I was looking in a new guitar world magazine and I noticed in the jackson ad Karl Sanders was on it. I didn't realise Karl ever used jacksons because you always see him with his strat or dean V. Does anyone know what model he is using?

  • #2
    Re: Nile and Jackson

    he had a blue import rhoads for a while.. at least, one of the guys in Nile did.. don't know who..
    "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


    • #3
      Re: Nile and Jackson

      Karl's strat is an old Charvel and he's retired it to studio use. The only time I've seen them live he used the Dean V, but it was a cheap import, supposedly because he was waiting for his custom V. I've seen pics of that V on the Dean site, but also the custom KV, and a custom KxK V. I haven't actually seen live proof of him using any of the custom guitars yet. Looks like he might be a little fickle as far as guitars/endorsements, I don't know what the story is...
      The Rhoads was Dallas'... Dallas's... uhh... was owned by Dallas, but hasn't been used since he got his Dean V.


      • #4
        Re: Nile and Jackson

        Yeah i saw the custom dean V he had and then I just saw him on a jackson ad endorsing them. Maybe his costum V sucked and he decided that jackson was the way to go.


        • #5
          Re: Nile and Jackson

          Based off my '79 series Dean, I doubt his custom sucked! I don't know why he switched, but it did seem like Dean was more interested in sponsoring Nile as a band than Karl as an individual, and possibly wasn't willing/able to do a graphic. All the custom ideas of Karl's I read about on the Nile forum had some kind of graphic somewhere. Or, it could be FMIC money, or the fact he started out with a Charvel. And then there's the KxK that I've never actually seen in his hands, just on the KxK site. I do know that Karl and a few other well-known DM guys got screwed by this one "custom shop" place, so he might be kind of wary of any endorsement deals. This is all speculation though, I'll ive seen is old news on the Nile board and random pictures like the ad.


          • #6
            Re: Nile and Jackson

            Either way its amazing that he is playing jackson cause they are the best guitars ever! But I bet you are right about the FMIC money aswell.


            • #7
              Re: Nile and Jackson

              I saw a Dean V on their site that was pretty cool, flamed top, single pickup and no knobs or switches ont he guitar! I've never seen them use it live though, when I saw them Dallas had a white V and Karl had a black bolt on V.

              Hey, doesnt Karl scallop his frets?
              I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. - Ayn Rand


              • #8
                Re: Nile and Jackson

                Yeah, when I saw them he had a black VX, which is the cheapest V Dean makes, scalloped with two Invaders, and his synth setup. Dallas had a cherryburst Time Capsule V w/Invaders. If you see Karl's Jackson, it only has one pup/vol, since he mutes the guitar through floor pedals and doesn't play clean. It seems like he doesn't care that much about the guitar itself as long as it looks cool and is scalloped w/Invaders.


                • #9
                  Re: Nile and Jackson

                  Karl has recorded all of their albums with his old SD Charvel, but he never brings it on tour. He is very interested in guitars and loves to talk about his equipment. Check out the official Nile forum, it's linked from .



                  • #10
                    Re: Nile and Jackson

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I've never actually seen in his hands, just on the KxK site. I do know that Karl and a few other well-known DM guys got screwed by this one "custom shop" place, so he might be kind of wary of any endorsement deals

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    hmm, afaik you're wrong , that was a brand called HEX which offered to make a custom doubleneck for Sanders , afaik this company screwed alot of people on their money.

                    the kxk ultrapointy v is either still being made or made already... sanders was really happy with dealing with Kaufman (kxk) - search on nile's forum.

