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Jack Frost with BC Rich

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  • Jack Frost with BC Rich

  • #2
    Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

    Ha ha, Jack has lightened his hair. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #3
      Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

      Jack has been quite the endorsement terror lately, hasen't he?


      • #4
        Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

        Yes he has, since he is now playing K Loud guitars, a small custom builder in the Northern Virginia area. The builder just quit his band to spend all his free time building guitars. In addition to JF, he is building guitars for the guys in Overkill now.


        • #5
          Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

          Didn't jack start out with Bc Rich?
          I could have sworn I have a few pics of jack with a bich and a mockingbird from the late eighties? maybe it's just me?


          Rip Brother Dime!!!


          • #6
            Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

            From what I know Jack is a nice guy but will take guitars from anyone that will give them to him. He sells them about the time the UPS guy is at the end of the driveway leaving. One of the perks of being a pro player. I see he's featured in a nice ad for straps (Levys?) in the new guitar mags.


            • #7
              Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

              Yeah with that nice as all hell GMP (?) Explorer, which he has a couple of. they're either GMP or Hamer (prolly both, knowing good jack), but the diamond inlays think GMP...

              damn, that guy and all his gear...
              p.s.- doesn;t every endorser do the whole "I play ______ because i wanted the best!"? did he do that with all his ex's?


              • #8
                Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

                man, i dunno if you guys checked out the Witches site, but i read some of the interviews and stuff and, truth be told, i never knew he was such a rad, cool, nice guy. i feel kinda bad because i kinda ripped on him a bit, but, if he loves the gear, why not go for it? But damn, i love his gmp explorers...

                jack, if you don't want your endorsement, can i have it ;D! lol.


                • #9
                  Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

                  I met Jack a few months back when Seven Witches was opening up for King's X. He talked to me a bit about all the switches he has made. He left Jackson for the same reasons a lot of the older endorsees have--he doesn't like how Fender handed him a shabby deal after Jackson was so good to him for all those years, so he went to GMP. He loved the guitars, and everything was all well and good...until GMP decided that his band's name and their music was "Satanic", which was not in following with the company's ideals. They kinda hinted at him that he should talk about their guitars so much because of his "personal ideology", which understandably pissed him off. He had just started playing K. Loud guitars at this show, when Kevin delivered him his first K. Loud, a purple neck-thru, sring-thru Firebird. He was really happy with this guitar (he found out about them through Overkill), and he had another one on order. I don't know why he is with BC Rich now. Probably the money and the fact that a small, part-time builder just can't get him guitars fast enough.


                  • #10
                    Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

                    He should go to MCS. But I doubt he'll get guitars for free from Neal. Neal would give a great discount I'm sure. But he's a small shop and I don't think he can afford to just give axes away. I don't think the BC Rich endorsement will last long. HHI has really f'ed them up. All BC Rich seems to be good for is imports now. The custom shop models aren't being turned out at a rate that most shops like. I've seen a few dealers and artists drop BC Rich because of it.
                    We must!
                    We must!
                    We must increase the bust!
                    The bigger the better!
                    The tighter the sweater!
                    The boys are counting on us!


                    • #11
                      Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

                      Jack Frost is a great guy! I have a rhoads that he had originally ordered and used on a couple of recordings and he was kind enough to send me signed studio photos of the guitar via regular mail to Finland for free! How many artists would do that?
                      My band here ->


                      • #12
                        Re: Jack Frost with BC Rich

                        i met him at brad kelley's house, he's a cool guy. i sold him my red oxblood firebird that they only made 4 of, i'm an idiot.
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!

